
In: Nursing

Scenario: You are the EHR Committee chairperson and you are charged with organizing a meeting to...

Scenario: You are the EHR Committee chairperson and you are charged with organizing a meeting to discuss strategy.

? Create an agenda for an EHR Committee. You are the chairperson and you are organizing the first meeting of the committee that has been established to discuss EHR strategy for a large healthcare organization.

? You should plan to address policy development and analysis of electronic health information. Be sure that you emphasize:

? Promoting health information as a resource and mission tool.

? Advocating for the protection and use of electronic health information.

? Imagine that your committee has met and create the meeting minutes that summarizes
everything that was discussed. As this was a mock meeting, you will need to be creative and just imagine the discussions that took place at the meeting.

? Agenda and meeting minutes are in a professional format and appropriate for use if it were in a real situation.

? Addresses policies and the need for analysis of electronic health information.

? Promotes health information as a resource and mission tool.

? Advocates for the protection and use of electronic health information.

? Meeting minutes reflect knowledge of the topics and incorporates realistic information that
would be discussed in this type of committee meeting.


Expert Solution

Health information Technology for Economic and clinical Health(HITECH) Act in 2009,congress established meaningful use to nation's community..The policy includes all personal,critical,sensitive health information will be secured privacy and confidentially, pproper security education for all People handling medical record inforation will be helpful it should be implemented by federal and state legislation..The global electronic health records provides more offers for patients and their satisfaction by protecting their information..but it has demand for increasing the adoption of software solutions and management..Medical professional people highly seeking for technology advance management data to save time and resources..It has demand for monitoring patient information security and industry growth..
    In the year 2016 EHRs usage increased productivity end it has convenience for patient data EHRs highly preferable for small and medium scale health care providers for market growth..Around 40countries 5000 facilities were introduced the EHRs administration..some companies according to patient needs it focusing to EHR system..HITECH introduces and successfully implemented EHR service for patient to schedule their appointment with doctor and apply for prescription etc..
   Health information Technology(HIT) important mission tool is to improve the quality,efficiency of care and ehealth equity..HIPPA included the right to access an electronic copy the patient may changed only limited fees..U.S health care system pay more cost for health information..there is lack of access to current,comprehensive,patient medical information for patient and payers..To increase the quality of U.S health care the stakeholders must have the initiatives..Government should take greater adoption of technology and their standards..
    IT investment for higher cost areas will provide better medical outcomes and implement financial incentives will reduce the cost burden,,Some significant concerns are lowering the quality of this service..That is incorrect medical diagnosis,rising cost etc..Some challenges must be addressed to improve the information technology that includes consistent standard to be improved for fully functional electronic health record..The center for information Technology leadership saving only 11% to implement the ambulatory CPO system..Private sector and government payer paying rest of the 89%..Stake holders must come forward for implementing the quality of care..
   Patient greater access for informed health care decisions and evidence based medicine by the physicians are must to avoid medical errors..Electronic health information should reduce the medicare and medicaid expences by avoiding paper patient record..In U.S veterans health administration focusing towards quality health care..In upcoming year most hospitals are handled by federal agency..EBM and SOA(Service oriented archietecture) proveds information technolgy to reduce the health care cost and online healthcare information for all patient..

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