A.) Calculate the macroscopic cross section for the reaction of
natural uranium with thermal neutrons. [abundances: 234 U=
0.000054; 235 U= 0.007204; 238 U= 0.992742]
B.) The net efficiency of a 1000 MW reacotr is 34.1%. Estimate
the amount of 235 U consumed in one day. [theta(y)= 98.8;
Given that the average number of fast neutrons emitted following
the thermal-neutron induced fission of 235U is 2.42 per fission
event; use the following data to calculate the mean number of
fission neutrons produced per initial thermal neutron in a large
volume sample of
(a) pure 235U (b) natural uranium 238U, and (c) uranium enriched to
3% in the 235U isotope.
Note: The microscopic absorption cross section for 235U is 694
barns. The cross section for 238U is 2.71 barns....
Uranium-235 and a thermal neutron can fission into products such
as strontium, cesium and cerium plus neutrons. Calculate the
expected thermal power released if 236.0021 g of uranium 235 is
fissioned into products weighing 235.8007 g over a one day period.
(in megawatts)
Are the molar extinction coefficient and cross-section of an
absorption related to the probability of absorption?
I have struggled to find a formal definition of cross-section of
absorption; from what I've gathered, its best defined as 'the
intensity of absorption'.
Wikipedia's formal definition of the molar extinction
coefficient is 'how strongly a species absorbs EMR at a given
wavelength, per molar concentration'.
So how are the molar extinction coefficient and cross-section
different? I presume that whilst the molar extinction coefficient...
Calculate the equilibrium 135I concentration and the
equilibrium 135Xe for 3.0 w/o enriched fuel in a reactor
that operates with a thermal neutron flux of 1 x
1013/(cm2*s). Use the value of Σf
= 3.
Please explain your work!
1. The proton-neutron differential scattering cross section is
symmetric about 90 degrees axis in center of mass frame of
reference. Why is this important?
2. What is the experimental evidence for partons?
3. What is the relation between strong interaction responsible
for binding of nucleons and one that binds quarks. Briefly state
most important similarities and differences.
4. Explain why scientists do not expect to observe free
5. In what ways are electromagnetic and color charges similar
and different?
5: Three bars of varying cross section are connected
to each other and is subjected to an axial
force of 50 kN as shown in figure. The dimensions of the two outer
bars are 40 mm x 40 mm and
length of the outer bars are measured to be the same. The middle
bar is having circular cross
section and the length of the middle bar is 3 times more than that
of the two outer bars. Stress in
Air flows through a heating duct with a square cross-section
with 5-inch sides at a speed of 5.3 ft/s. Just before reaching an
outlet in the floor of a room, the duct widens to assume a square
cross-section with sides equal to 13 inches. Compute the speed of
the air flowing into the room (in ft/s), assuming that we can treat
the air as an incompressible fluid. Answer should be in Ft/s