
In: Nursing

Roy Litten is a patient in the ER who has had several heart attacks and a...

Roy Litten is a patient in the ER who has had several heart attacks and a stent placed in his heart but continues to eat eggs and bacon and to smoke. He has stopped taking his medicine because it is too expensive, and he does not have his own doctor; when he started having chest pains he had to resort to going to the ER. What could be done by each of the stakeholders in the healthcare system to help a person like Roy start on the road towards good health? What are the challenges and obstacles in the way?
Why is Dr. Ornish’s study about the relationship between lifestyle choices, heart disease, and prostate cancer so important? Is this replicable for the general population?
What do you think of workplace financial health incentive programs like Safeway’s? Should private and public insurance implement similar “behavior as currency” strategies?


Expert Solution

1 The food we eat directly relates with your hormones,body weight and organs including heart.Though its quiet hard to make healthier food choices it isnt.

  • Advise Roy to choose healthy diets such as foods devoid of fats.
  • Whole-grains are rich in fibre and complex carbohydrates.Be wise and choose them.
  • Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables increases the fiber,vitamin and mineral contents of the body.
  • Consume low-fat diary and add more foods rich in protein.
  • DASH diet is an ideal option which helps in lowering BP.

2 The obstacles and challenges as far Roy is concerned is that he has habit of smoking and does not follow his dietary regimine.Sedentary lifestyle and eating junk foods and fizzy drinks worsen the situation.Doing REgular excercises like Aerobic burn the calories and raises heart rate.So diet and excercise are important for maintaining goood health .

3 Dr Ornish a well known health care reformer ad founder and president of Preventive Medicine Research Institute, fimly supports to the view that heart diseases could be reversed if we follow a disciplined lifestyle .His program is a conjoint effort by a team of multidiscipliniary professionals.He says that inorder to eliminate CHD s the focus should be based on eliminating unhelthy behaviour patterns.Yes it is replicable for the general population.

4 Safeways is a positive reinforcement for all those who want to recover from lifestyle d iseases.The main goal of the company is to help their workers to concentrate more on prevention strategies rather than on treatment and thereby helps them save saome dollars.Since Safeways belongs to business experimenting we cannot guarantee the sucess.But the wellness focused approach to reduce health care costs are working.

Yes ,then people will turn their attention to prventing lifestyle diseases by giving up their sedentary lifestyle.

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