
In: Nursing

6. Describe how a young adult’s sense of personal identity affects his or her functioning. ___________________________________________________________________...

6. Describe how a young adult’s sense of personal identity affects his or her functioning. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 7. How would you respond to a 20-year-old who wanted a baby so she would have someone to love her? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Describe three characteristics of a mentally healthy adult: 8. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 9. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 10. __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 11. Identify two ways in which adults guide the next generation: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 12. The most important therapeutic tool in the prevention of HIV/AIDS is: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 13. Beyond the diagnostic labels of mental illness lies: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 14. Middle-age adults are faced with accepting: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


Expert Solution

6.Personal identity is the way how you are yourself .It is related to yourself. It involves the concepts of your life that you have no control ,like skin colour etc. It is the assessment of ones strength and disabilities.

A young adults identity affects his functioning as they are in a stage where they assess themselves like the knowledge,skills ,their akin colour etc and compare ,which might lead to decreased self esteem.

It is very important for the adults because based on this the adult will behave in a challenging situations.So,having a good identity is very important that will help in taking mature decisions and how to tackle challenges in their life instead of following their peer groups and not listening to their parents.

7.When a 20 yr old adults asks for a baby so that she can have some one to love her. - being the guardians we have to explain her the duties and responsibilities which she have to do during this age .Allow her to express her feelings that made this decision to have a baby so,that we can reach to the root of problem.The parents should be involved while this problem is being discussed so,that they also come to know what is the cause behind this need.

She must be explained in a good way by maintaining the therapeutic relation the roles and responsibilities during this age group . The parents must be explained that there less interaction with the child is making her to realize a need for a another person in her life to love. They must spend time with the adolescent as this is the critical phase of life where many changes occur physically and mentall. Adolescent Isa stage when children follow there peer groups and don't listen to there parents,but this doesn't mean they must be nil connection between parents and child .

Parents should be thought about the ways how to deal with their childrens in a tactical way, in which there will be no hatred and also they love among themselves.

8.Characteristics of a mentally heathy adult are :-

a . They feel good about them self.

b. They are comfortable with other people.

c. They are not disturbed by emotions like fear, love ,anger etc.

d. They make their own decisions.

e. They respect others and themselves.

f. They have satisfying personal relationship.

g. They get adjusted in the environment.

h. They are able to handle the problems in their life and meet their demands.

11. The two ways adults guide their next generation are:-

A. By providing stimuli in the environment.

B. By motivation and getting involved in tasks .

Some of the important advices given by adults to the next generation are:-

Trust yourself and be confident and responsible.

Giving respect to the parents and knowledge.

12. The most important therapeutic tool in preventing HIV are:-

Pre-prophylaxis :-

1. Abstinence

2. Avoiding needle exchanges and protecting self from needle stick injuries.

3.Avoiding multiple sex partners

4. Use of condoms properly during sex.

Post -prophylaxis:-

The most important tool is taking the medication properly everyday.

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