In: Nursing
write a 1,500-word paper on the following: Describe the current health care environment in the United States from both the health care administrator and the patient perspective. What are some recent changes in legislation and how does this change influence the way that an administrator would operate within the health care system? What are current trends emerging in health care? Using the current trends, speculate on future of health care risk management from both the perspective of the health care administrator and patient.
The current health environment according to the health care administrator -U. S. is currently going through challenging situation in the health care sector . Heath care sector which was open for all the socio ecomic group has now become a dream for the lower groups,and for the uninsured ones.Health care sector is emerging towards digitalization -how to involve the technology in patient care , which will help to reduce workload on physicians, less data error ,easy procedures, cost effective patient centered care .The health administrators are currently unable to provide a patient centered care to the people because of legislation changes, some can't afford the e -health ,also the health care industry are not provided with funds and tools by the government so,that they can provide a easily available,cost effective care to the public .
From the patient's perspective ,they are unable to get a cost effective patient centered care because they can't afford it.The increasing technology use in health care is making the price of care higher and higher , people who are under a insurance plan and those who belong to rich classes can only afford the services.Public are getting out off pocket because of the increase in charges of hospital .The current scenario is that there will be a number of hospitals in the same street where the charges of procedure and the type of care vary according to the development ,if it's cheap then care will be unsatisfactory and if it's a good,multi speciality hospital then the care is satisfactory but are not cost effective.
US is one of the country in the world which spends the highest in health care sector .The changes in the legislation made by the present government currently has become a huge problem for the people especially the lower income group and the older ones.During the obamacare there were insurance plans for all the income groups so that they can easily avail the health care services ,the current changes has made the price for the older people triple than the younger ones ,and the lower income people have become uninsured . Because of this the services are become less cost effective and is not being provided to the right people at right time at the right place.
The current trends in the health care sector are technological advancements like data security, robotic surgery,high tech gadgets used in procedures which will help in minimal bleeding and early discharges,disaster management and triage system,e-health, clinical trials ,research, wearable tracking health devices,patient centered care,use of ICD -10 ,making the services cost effective,having medi talks live in social media, telemedicine,etc.
These trends will help in reducing the health care risks.According to the health administrator's perspective it will help them to provide a reliable, feasible,cost effective and patient priority care .Realible - based on the clinical trial and researches there will be invention of drugs which will be used for the patient care , feasibilty- the care will be available easily to each and every one because of the increased number of hospitals and research centers, patient priority means the care will be patient centered, as the above mentioned trends will help in easy availability of funds and tools for the care ,it will make the services cost effective.
From the view point of the patient the trends will help them to afford the care,as these trends will ensure the funds and tools for the health care sector ,it will be possible for the health care sectors to provide care in a cost effective way which will be patient centered and reliable.In future the services will be provided at the door steps of the people .E- health and telemedicine will make the people receive the care through online in there house, patient does not have to come to the hospital until and unless they have some complications ,problems which need a thorough examination and investigation.The clinical trials and research ,will make the easy availability of medicines at cheaper rates due to the invention of different drugs for a particular disease.