In: Nursing
1.Express appreciation and affection
People in strong families deeply care for one another,and they let each other know this on a regular basis.They are not afraid to express their love.Speak in positive and affirming ways and express the love they have each other.
2.Strong commitment to each other
Members of strong families are dedicated to one another wellbeing ,investing time and energy in family activities and not letting their work or other priorities take too much time away from family interaction .They are deeply committed to each other's happiness and welfare and show their commitment by investing time and energy in family activities
3.Manage stress and crisis effectively
Strong families are not immune or exempt from difficult days and challenging situations, but they develop strategies so they can pull together,rather than fall apart.They possess the ability to manage both daily stressors and difficult life crises creatively and effectively.They know how to prevent trouble before it happens and how to work together to meet the inevitable challenges when they occur.
4.Spend enjoyable time together
Stong family is one that does things together and genuinely enjoys the time family members share with each other They enjoy being together and know that if they don't prioritize and schedule time together,it won't happen and sometimes love is spelled as TIME .
5.Sense of spiritual well-being
Strong families have faith in god,hope or a sense of optimism in life. They feel a oneness with the world.The love they feel for one another with a great deal of reverence.Spiritual well being can be seen as the caring centre with in each individual that promotes sharing,love and compassion.What ever the expression of their spiritual lifestyle,they are consistent themes of guiding values and ethnics as well as a commitment to important causes .
6.Affective and positive communication patterns
Successful families are often task oriented in their communication,identifying problems and discussing how to solve them together.Strong families spend time for talking and listening to one another just to stay connected and they reveal important information which helps them to smooth out the bumps of family life .They talk to each other and listen to each other and may have specific ground rules on how they communicate in respectful,loving ways
All the family strengths are interconnected,and are impossible to separate.What unites the strengths is that each is founded upon a sense of positive emotional connection.People in strong families feel good about each other and genuinely care for each other's wellbeing.
Family stress is defined as disturbances in the study state of the family system.The disturbance can emerge from the outside context (eg.war,unemployment) from inside the family (death,divorce )or both simultaneously .A stressor is a life event or transition that happens in the family .It can be either positive or negative and can cause a change in the families coping pattern eg. birth of a child,drought,death or divorce