In: Nursing
write an essay on the stressors on families today and the components of the family assessment
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Family stress is defined as the disturbance in constant rate occur in the family system.
Their are various source of stressors in family, disturbance can arise from the outside or from inside the family e.g death , divorce , etc .this cause change in equilibrium in the family.
Now a days their is alot of rush , race and short of time which directly affect the growth of child and cause stress in family.about maximum working parents live streesful life.
Streesors is very commonly seen in young generation .they have stress for study, expectations and pressure in college from parents, social relationships with friends , boyfriends or girlfriend or due to issues of sex, due to lack of sleep . their are environmental factors also which create stress includes noises, car noise, pollution. Stress affects physically , mentally . Also due to low socioeconomic status , the poor people feel stressed due to negligence from society.
Abortion , feel of crime , fear of an accident are also streesors in family.
-- components of family assessment are-
Assessment is made up of dimensions called family consist of sequence of interaction , and transactions, their synchrony, reciprocity, and patterns of mutual influence.
Family assessment are based on observation , interviews, self report measures, and social history.
By experimentally done their are six dimensions of family functioning i.e problem solving, communication, roles, affective responsiveness, affective involvement, and behaviour control.