
In: Psychology

The job of a Psychologist is to describe, explain, predict, and possibly change behavior. Toward this...

The job of a Psychologist is to describe, explain, predict, and possibly change behavior. Toward this end, different psychological perspectives have emerged in order to explain behavior. These include the neuroscience, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic perspectives. Describe THREE of these perspectives and illustrate each perspective by using an example from everyday life. Which perspective do you think has the most relevance in today's society, and why?


Expert Solution

Psychodynamic perspective: All the behaviours emerge from past experiences of an individual. We act and react basis of how we have learnt the experiences in the past.

For example: A child who has seen her parents fighting and not having trust on each other can grow up to have trust issues with people and challenges is forming healthy interpersonal relationships.

Behavioral: We all learn by positive, negative reinforcement or social observation. "Do in Rome what Roman's do" is a proverb based on behavioural perspective.

Cognitive: We are what we think we are and they are what we think they are is the cognitive perspective. "I fail because I think I cannot pass."

Humanistic perspective: I have the potential to create the change because I am always a possibility unless I block myself to believe I am not is the Humanistic perspective. "I will keep evolving myself because nothing but can help me succeed or put me down the drain. I have the free-kick to remain on the ground after I fall or rise, dust and run again."

Human life can flow naturally and without any hurdles if they understand all these perspectives well and learn to use it consciously in their life. However, the problem is since they are unaware they mix-match the right perspective and the place which leads to chaos and confusion in their lives.

So in my opinion,learning all of them and consciously and conscientiously using them is relevant to this and every generation which is missing.

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