In: Nursing
When answering the following questions, explain the relationship to critical infrastructure protection.
Sensitive But Unclassified(SBU) designated when information not
classified but need to be protected or safeguards. SBU information
need restriction on access and disclosure has rules for access and
risk in unauthorized disclosure.
For Office Use Only(FOUO): it is a document designated not under
classification. this document used only by department of laws and
other federal agencies for information gathering. It is although
unclassified may not disclose the information to the public.
Department of homeland security policy safeguards this FOUO but
unclassified information within DHS received information from
government and non-government activities.
Critical infrastructure information(CII) that information not
customized in public use. it is a secured and critical
infrastructure information protection system. Critical
infrastructure information Act facilitates greater sharing of CII
among owners and government entities with infrastructure protected
responsibility, it reduce public vulnerability to risk and ensures
security and safety.
Open-source information and intelligence: it has data and
information available to the public. open-source intelligence
produced for publicly available information and provides a specific
intelligence requirement. it can available in webpages other
sources of open source information like google we can freely access
information online using a major search engine. security
professionals use open source intelligence to identify potential
weaknesses in a friendly network. intelligence from the open-source
often used with combination of internal telemetry and external
intelligence for sharing information commonly.