
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Biological role of adaptive and innate immunity in vaccination. (20marks).

Biological role of adaptive and innate immunity in vaccination. (20marks).


Expert Solution

The immune system of the body functions to protect it against invasion by germs and microbes

When an individual is vaccinated against a disease or infection,his immune system is prepared to fight the infection

Vaccines take advantage of the body's natural ability to learn how to eliminate almost any disease causing germs.once vaccinated the body remembers how to protect itself from microbes


The immune system is a complex interplay of cells and irgans in the body to fight off infectious microbes.These have specialised cells and designed to fight disease


The first encounter of the invader cells is with patrolling white blood cells called macrophages

These macrophages eat up and kill as many of the viruses and bacteria as they can

The macrophages alert the immune system to attack the invaders

Within the lymph nodes there are two major kinds of lymphocytes T cells and B cells.These are actual fighters


T cells function either offensively or defensively

The offensive T cells don't attack virus or microbe directly but act by releasing chemicals against the recognized antigen these are Cytotoxic T cells or Killer T cells

The killer T cells latch onto these cells and release chemicals that destroy the infected cells

Another type of T cells are the helper cells

The whole activity of T cells is called cellular or cell mediated immune response


B cells are important in secreting antibodies against specified antigens of the invading microbes

The antibodies from the B cells circulate in the blood until they encounter the virus or microbe and kill the organism

The work of B cells is called humoral response.B cells forms memory cells that remember the infection and prepares the body for arresting infection next time around


The goal of most vaccines is to stimulate the humor response.

The body is made to remember the antigens of the specific organism by inoculation of the weakened,killed or part of the organism

Many infectious microbes can be defeated by antibodies alone,without any help from killer T cells

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