In: Economics
look at this (READ BELOW) article published by CBS News. Do you agree with the author's assessment that GDP fails to measure well being? Why (or why not)? Are there things that contribute to your well-being and happiness but are excluded from the calculation of GDP? Share an example and describe why it might be excluded from the GDP calculation.
How should we measure changes in an economy's standard of living, or compare living standards across countries? Typically, economists use GDP per capita as a proxy for a country's standard of living, but as International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde, Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and MIT professor Erik Brynjolfsson noted at the recently concluded World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, "GDP is a poor way of assessing the health of our economies and we urgently need to find a new measure."
Using GDP as a measure of welfare has well-known problems, which are among the first things macroeconomics principles courses cover. But the point of the discussions at Davos is that in the digital age, those problems are even deeper. Standard GDP statistics miss many of technology's benefits, so we need to rethink how we measure the typical person's well-being.
The textbooks generally point out five problems with using GDP as a measure of well-being:
The Davos discussion, however, is pointed at a different flaw in measured GDP: its inability to fully capture the benefits of technology. Think of a free app on your phone that you rely upon for traffic updates, directions, the weather, instantaneous information and so on. Because it's free, there's no way to use prices -- our willingness to pay for the good -- as a measure of how much we value it.
As a result, GDP statistics won't capture the benefits we gain from free apps, just as it has difficulties accounting for changes in the quality of goods over time.
How can this be fixed? Catherine Rampell provides a nice summary of the alternative measures that have been proposed, including China's "green GDP," which attempts to adjust for environmental factors; the OECD's "GDP alternatives," which adjust for leisure; the "Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare," which accounts for both pollution costs and the distribution of income; and the "Genuine Progress Indicator," which "adjusts for factors such as income distribution, adds factors such as the value of household and volunteer work, and subtracts factors such as the costs of crime and pollution."
Finally, there are more direct measures of well-being such as the Happy Planet Index, Gross National Happiness and National Well-Being Accounts.
However, none of these alternatives deal with the main problem discussed in Davos -- how to measure the full impact of technology on our lives. The problem is that GDP assigns a zero value to goods with a zero price, but those goods aren't valued at zero and as they become more prominent, we'll need to find a way of including the benefits they provide in our measures of the standard of living.
None of the measures proposed so far are perfect, and they won't replace the current GDP yardstick anytime soon.
But there's still something to be gained from this work. When you hear that your standard of living has gone up, ask yourself what has happened to leisure time -- are you working more or less for the same income? How much of technology's benefits might have been missed -- how often do you use Wikipedia? And how was the additional GDP distributed across the population -- did it mostly go to the 1 percent?
In the end, economists -- and the public -- don't care about GDP by itself; they care about the happiness they receive from the goods and services they consume. We've made some progress on measuring the well-being of individuals within an economy, but not enough. More research is needed.
Yes, I agree that GDP is not a good measure of economic welfare and output as it does not take into consideration the environmental sustainability which should be a top priority for all economies, doesn't adjust for leisure time or distribution of goods, unpaid work of women and black market or underground markets like drug sales, gambling, or prostitution. The transactions and income from such activities are not reported hence giving less accurate or underestimating the GDP. This GDP is induced for government policies but if the result is less accurate it can negatively affect the economy.
During the time of lockdown hobbies like cooking, baking has contributed to happiness and wellbeing and such household works gained precedence this lockdown but this has never been included in the calculation of the GDP. According to the UN report, 75% of the unpaid care and domestic work is done by women but this is not even counted . The report also highlighted that in India women spend 352 minutes a day unpaid whereas men spend only 51.8 minutes. It is important to bring in women empowerment and gender inequality into the mainstream survey and data to get more accuracy in the estimation. The reason they are not included is theoretically the household chores like cooking and cleaning are seen as a non-economic activity hence a nonworker as GDP measures only goods and services produced within a country.