In: Biology
Which one of the following vitamins is required for biosynthesis of coenzyme A:
(a) thiamine
(b) niacin
(c) pantothenic acid
(d) cobalamin
(e) riboflavin
c) pantothenic acid
Explanation: Coenzyme A ia coenzyme that paly important role in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Pantothenic acid is an important component of coenzyme A which is required for it biosynthesis. It is a constituents of acyl carrier protein and involves in transacylation reaction. The biosynthetic pathway of coenzyme A is given below-
Thiamine is a important component of
vitamin B1 that act as coenzyme in oxidative decarboxylation of
-keto acid and in the formation or degradation of
-ketol. Niacin is a pyridine derivatives and its coenzyme forms are
NAD+ and NADP. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) is a constituents of FMN and
FAD coenzyme.Cobalamin is a derivatives of vitamin B12 that
involves in intramolecular arrangements and methyl group