
In: Nursing

As the community health LPN, you have received a referral for a 39-year old Indonesian lady...

As the community health LPN, you have received a referral for a 39-year old Indonesian lady for staple removal, post-op emergency cholecystectomy. Upon arrival to the home, you observe broken glass around the entrance of the basement apartment and note it is in desperate need of repairs. One of the windows has been boarded up and the step has a board missing and the wood looks rotten. The client answers the door, carrying a 2-year child on her hip and 2 older siblings, ages 5 and 7 are standing behind her. The children are all noted to be dressed in several layers of clothing. Upon entering the home, you note the home feels quite cold and damp. The only furniture you can see is a small table, two chairs and a mattress on the floor of the only bedroom. There is no visible toys, books, or TV. In communicating with the client, you detect a thick accent and she speaks in broken English. She informs you that she is doing ok; however, the family is struggling financially since they arrived in NL from Indonesia 1 year ago. Her husband is working at the local gas bar part time. The client states "I try get groceries cheap but that hard". " I like NL but miss my home country. (I talk to my family every month". I get job but need more education. My son he needs medicine but we no money. My husband has bad cough, he always tired and no taste no more." I attend my church online and meet 2 ladies from my home country. One lady wants to teach me how make masks. She tells me I think take English course by our church.

. • What are the clients and family needs?

• What role does the social determinants of health play in this situation?

• What are the risk factors for this family?

• What are the protective factors?


Expert Solution

1) As the client maintains a post operative status it is very important for the client to have

A good aseptic environment.

She should prevent carrying any thing heavy which may cause rupture of the suture.

She needs a diet rich in protein that is known to cause increase in healing.

She should be carrying out suture care to prevent rupture.

The family requires-

Good nutrition.


Good housing.

Healthy environment.

2) social determinanats are the conditions in the environment where in people learn to work live and make their existence.

Social factors may play a very important role in the total growth and development of the individual.

Lack of adequate financial status may lead to poverty, malnutrition, lack of essential services, increase in mortality and morbidity.

3) the family may have several risk factors like-

Presence of Infections.

Poor wound healing.





Poor family planning.

4) protective factors- the various protective factors may be

Supportive family environment.

Nuturing family skills.

Parental employment.

Parental education.

Adequate nutrition.

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