
In: Nursing

Research Question: How do Muslim women's internalized views of religion, science, modesty, and reproductive healthcare inform...

Research Question:

How do Muslim women's internalized views of religion, science, modesty, and reproductive healthcare inform the decisions of their American born female children to mammograms for breast cancer?


American born female children of a Muslim mother will be less likely to seek out mammogram screening for breast cancer.

Please help me with my research question by helping me with these questions.

1. Describe the preliminary framework that should be used in this proposed research design.

2. What should I use qualitative or quantitative? and why? please be specific.

3. Provide some details about what the variables will be (quantitative) or your interview questions might be (qualitative).


Expert Solution

How do Muslim women's internalized views of religion, science, modesty, and reproductive healthcare inform the decisions of their American born female children to mammograms for breast cancer?

One general perception, we drew from our inquiry is that writing on the experience and significance of growth in the creating scene is moderately rare and frequently does not separate between various kinds of malignancy. The writing is for the most part, however to epidemiological examinations or general wellbeing grant and approach. Our overview uncovers that this writing approaches wellbeing and ailment transcendently through the biomedical point of view, which confines our comprehension of the issue and, as an outcome, our arrangement choices. This offers excessively tight an emphasis on social, mechanical or technocratic clarifications and mediations, not just more adjusted ones that perceive the intricate aetiologies of the infection yet in addition developing bosom tumor outside the domain of governmental issues. Anthropological or sociological tumor, and bosom malignancy specifically, are uncommon. This impediment maybe mirrors an inclination for biomedical disease inquire about with respect to financing organizations to the burden of much required basic examinations.

Describe the preliminary framework that should be used in this proposed research design.

Consider your presentation a story written in one to three passages that briefly answers the accompanying four inquiries:

-What is the focal research issue?

-What is the subject of concentrate identified with that issue?

-What strategies ought to be utilized to examine the examination issue?

-Why is this vital research, what is its importance, and for what reason would it be advisable for someone to perusing the proposition think about the results of the proposed contemplate?

-State the examination issue and give clarification about investigation than what you expressed in the presentation. This is especially essential if the issue is unpredictable or multifaceted.

-Present the method of reasoning of your proposed ponder and plainly demonstrate why it merits doing. Answer the "So What? Question.

-Describe the significant issues or issues to be tended to by your examination. Make certain to take note of how your proposed examine expands on past presumptions about the examination issue.

-Explain leading your examination. Obviously distinguish the key sources you expect to utilize and clarify how they will add to your investigation of the theme.

-Set the limits of your proposed examine give an unmistakable core interest. Where fitting, state what you will ponder, as well as what is avoided from the examination.

-If essential, give meanings of key ideas or terms.

To help outline your proposition's writing survey, here are the five C of composing a writing audit:

-Cite the essential spotlight on the writing correlated to your exploration issue.

-Compare the different contentions, speculations, philosophies, and discoveries communicated in the writing: what do the writers concede to? Who applies comparable ways to deal with breaking down the exploration issue?

-Contrast the different contentions, subjects, systems, methodologies, and discussions communicated in the writing: what are the significant zones of contradiction, discussion, or verbal confrontation?

-Critique the writing: Which contentions are more convincing, and why? Which approaches, discoveries, systems appear to be most dependable, legitimate, or suitable, and why? Focus on the verbs you use to portray what a creator says.

-Connect the writing to your own zone of research and examination: how does your own work draw upon, withdraw from, orchestrate, or add another point of view to what has been said in the writing?

What should I use qualitative or quantitative? and why? please be specific.

Subjective research is by definition exploratory, and it is utilized when we don't recognize what's in store, to characterize the issue or build up a way to deal with the issue. It's additionally used to go further into issues of intrigue and investigate subtleties identified with the current issue. Regular information accumulation approaches applied as a share of subjective research are:

-Focus gatherings



-top to bottom meetings

-Uninterrupted perception

-Bulletin sheets

-Ethnographic cooperation or perception.

Quantitative research is definitive in its motivation, as it attempts to measure an issue and see how common it is by searching for projectable outcomes to a bigger populace. For this category of study we gather information through:



-Points of procurement

-Click streams.

Provide some details about what the variables will be (quantitative) or your interview questions might be (qualitative).

Subjective Research is moreover used to uncover inclines in thought and conclusions, and bounce facilitate into the issue. Subjective data gathering methodologies move out strategies. Some essential procedures consolidate focus social events, particular gatherings, and venture or recognitions. The case measure is nearly nothing, and respondents are fulfilled a given standard.

Quantitative Research is used to gauge the issue by strategy for creating numerical data or data that can be changed into usable bits of knowledge. It is used to assess manners, sentiments, hones, and other described factors and entirety up comes to fruition due to a greater illustration masses. Quantitative Research uses quantifiable data to detail convictions and uncover plans in explore. Quantitative data collection procedures are altogether more sorted out than Qualitative data gathering strategies. Quantitative data collection systems consolidate distinctive sorts of concentrates like online audits, paper outlines, adaptable examinations and stall contemplates, very close gatherings, telephone interviews, longitudinal examinations, webpage interceptors, online reviews, and precise discernments.

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