
In: Economics

Using the internet, search for two signs that manifest an economic downturn or recession and explain...

Using the internet, search for two signs that manifest an economic downturn or recession and explain why the two you have identified cannot be sufficient for determining a recession.

Defend your views by citing information from the Web and/or your own experiences. Post your response on the Discussion Board and then read and reply to the posts of at least two other students, citing those views with which you agree or disagree as well as your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing.


Expert Solution

Sharing a few reason for economics downturn (Major) through experience and I agree with it and so will you, hopefully, after understanding the points.

(a) Loss of Production Cycle: When demand falls it leads to factors of production become dearer forcing producers to produce less there by needing lesser labour (as a result workforce lose jobs & employment) and even lesser supplies to economy. The prices rise in such a case as a result sales goes down which inturn reduces the consumption (domestic). All these slowly pushes economy to a downturn to recession - a sustained recession pulls depresdion or downturn. It's fatal for production, consumption, investment cycle and increase unemployment there by leading to total chaos in the economy.

Govt through their monetary policies can assess & control and bring Economy back on track.

(b) Currency Devaluation: The BoT is the report card of a country's currency health. It is advisable to have a defict BoT as it create an environment of high production in the economy as exports are lesser than imports. In such a case if currency is devalued then to buy same amount of things one would need more money and as a result inflation creeps-in that slows down the production, consumption & investment cycle. Pushing economy to recession & depression.

The country through its EXIM policies keeps a check on it and avoids adverse situation.

These two factors are not exhaustive and there can be many others reasons for slump in economy like Financial Market Crash, Deflation, Decrease in Manufacturing/ Investment, Crash of Banking System cane be other reasons for recession & depression innyhe economy.

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