
In: Nursing

Explain peak and trough? You are to administer carbamazepine to your client at 8am.  What time would...

  1. Explain peak and trough? You are to administer carbamazepine to your client at 8am.  What time would you draw a peak level for this client?
  1. Mr. Smith is admitted with Signs and symptoms of a CVA (stroke).  Treatment for CVAs include the use of a thrombolytic (clot busters) like TPA.  When would the physician not give a Thrombolytic? What imaging test do you foresee will R/O (rule out) that contraindication?

  1. Your client had a gastrostomy tube insertion.   What is the most certain way to insure proper placement?

  1. You have just begun your shift at 7am and Mr. Fitbit has a NTP (Nitropaste) patch applied to his chest at 5am.  You are taking his vital signs, and you notice that the BP is 80/ 50.  What is your first action? What is your next action?

  1. Mr. Vincent receives eye drops to both eyes at bedtime (HS).  What is the correct method of applying eye drops?  What is the correct term for “drops”?

  1. You are to administer the morning dose of Regular Insulin to your diabetic patient.  The glucometer reads a blood sugar of 50. What is your first action? Which of the following would you do?  Select all that apply

  1. Call MD
  2. Hold insulin
  3. Give insulin
  4. Give patient a snack
  5. Notify MD


Expert Solution

The peak level is highest concentration of a drug in the patient blood. through level is the lowest concentration of a drug in a patient's blood.wait for 30minutes after the infusion is complete to collect. carbamazepine is absorbed completely but slowly from the tablets. peak plasma concentration of the substance unchanged within 12 hours following a single oral dose.if medicine administered at 8 am draw a peak level at 8pm for this client.
Ischemic stroke administer medication for more than 3 hours, but not longer than 4.5 hours. thrombolytic therapy should be given prior intracranial hemorrhage, if ischemic stroke occurred within 3 months, if there is any cerebrovascular abnormalities if there is an intracranial tumor.
CT scan will find out early infart signs of acute ischemia performs image interpretations in routine clinical practice, it is a widely used method for the imaging examination in patients with acute stroke symptoms.
confirm the proper placement of gastrostomy tube by aspirating gastric fluids from the tube, listening gurgling sound when flushing air through replacement tube. endoscopic guidance insertion through the mouth
into the stomach prevents complications.
Nitropaste patch is a class of medication called antianginals it prevent the heart attack. first action stops using the nitroglycerin patch and check the timing when it was placed, next inform the doctor immediately to prevent adverse effects. it is usally worn for 12 to 14hours a day and shuld be removed for 10 to 12 hours.

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