
In: Nursing

—Urology and Obstetrics & Gynecology Departments By the due date assigned you will write 2 reports...

—Urology and Obstetrics & Gynecology Departments

By the due date assigned you will write 2 reports referring to the departments of

Urology (Genitourinary System) and Obstetrics and Gynecology (Female Reproductive System). For the UrologyDepartment, you write a 2 paragraph report and use that for the script of your Oral Report. For the FemaleReproductive System, there are 2 audio clips containing spoken medical terms. See Instructions below for the special directions for this section only.

In order to earn the maximum credit for the written report you need to incorporate at least 10 medical terms for each department, using them in a manner that demonstrates your knowledge of their meaning.

Include the major or most common diseases or conditions seen in each department.

Include at least three of the principal procedures that are relevant to each department.

Highlight pertinent laboratory and radiological diagnostic services relevant to each department.

Limit your analysis of each department to two paragraphs.

Special Addition of QEP Assignment for Spoken Medical Terminology.

In addition, we have something for you auditory learners who prefer to listen for understanding. (This week only!) This only applies to the Female Reproductive Body System.

Instructions: click on the audio clips to hear a Healthcare Professional describing 2 patients admitted to your fictitious hospital. One is a patient with a gynecological problem, and one is a patient with an obstetric problem. There are many medical terms used. You are to identify at least 20 (10 from each patient) medical terms, and list them with correct spelling, and a definition in your own words (to verify understanding! Copying a definition can bypass the brain altogether!) Put your list in an MS Word doc. File and place that into the Submissions Area. (This might push down your other assignments already submitted, but the files are still safely in there and retrievable by your Instructor.)

Don’t forget your references!

Obstetric Patient Audio

Gynecology Patient Audio

For your Oral Report for this week, read aloud and record your Written Report for the Urology Department

Submission Guidelines:

By the due date assigned place the report as a Microsoft Word file in the Submissions Area. Name your document Lastname_W4_Project_report.doc.

By the due date assigned place your oral report mp4 file in the Submissions Area. Name your file Lastname_W4_Project_report.mp4 (or .m4a).


Expert Solution

Obstetric patient:

  1. Gravida: This terminology refers to a pregnant woman and also the number of times she is conceived.
  2. Para:This refers to the number of births she delivered including still births.
  3. Gestation : It is the time between conception and delivery of fetus.
  4. Preeclampsia:It is a complication of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure, proteinuria ,pedal edema which may lead to damage to organ systems , growth restriction of fetus, elevated liver enzymes , preterm delivery.
  5. Elective termination of pregnancy: Simple terms abortion, ending the pregnancy by administration of drugs or by mechanical means.
  6. Chorionic villus sampling:It is a diagnostic prenatal test performed to rule out any congenital abnormalities in fetus done between 10-12 weeks of pregnancy
  7. Trisomy 13:or Patau syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality ,there are 3 copies of 13 th chromosome in body leading to intelluctual defects, congenital heart defects , brain & spinal cord abnormalities.
  8. Hematuria: Blood in urine
  9. Pyuria:Pus in urine
  10. Endometritis:Inflammation of endometrium
  11. Chorionic gonadotrophin:It is a hormone secreted by placenta after conception which is necessary to nourish the egg after fertilisation and also serves as a indicator for pregnancy
  12. Ectopic pregnancy:It is the condition in which the fertilized egg is implanted anywhere outside of uterus.
  13. Tubal ovarian abscess: It is the inflammation and infection involving fallopian tube and adjacent structures
  14. Febrile:Symptoms of fever or elevated temperature
  15. Alpha fetoprotein :It is a glycoprotein produced by the liver of fetus and its level serves as a indicator for birth defects
  16. Proteinuria: Presence of protein in urine
  17. Elective C-section: It is a planned surgical procedure involving incision over mother's abdomen to deliver the fetus.

Gynacologic patient:

  1. Mutliparous women:Women who had more than one birth
  2. Dysmenorrhea: Painful menstruation
  3. Menometorrhagia:Condition of prolonged and irregular uterine bleeding
  4. Pap test:It is a screening test for finding cervival cancer
  5. Dysplastic cells: Abnormal cells
  6. Cervical dysplasia:Abnormal changes of cervical cells
  7. Colposcopy:It is medical diagnostic procedure to examine cervix and near structures closely.
  8. Polyps:Abnormal growth of tissues in cervix (cervical polyps)
  9. Endometrial biopsy:It is a medical diagnostic procedure involving removal of small piece of tissue from endometrium for histologic evaluation
  10. Hysterectomy:It is a surgical procedure involving removal of uterus
  11. Dilatation & curettage:A procedure done to expand cervix and remove a partial lining in uterus

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