
In: Nursing

During your rotation in the clinic, you spend some time shadowing the orthopedist. During her clinic...

During your rotation in the clinic, you spend some time shadowing the orthopedist. During her clinic session she sees 2 different patients, one male and one female who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis.

What are some of the risk factors involved in patients who suffer from osteoporosis? Are there differences in how you approach the treatment of osteoporosis in male vs. female patients? Why?


Expert Solution

#. Risk factors for osteoporosis :-

- Non-modifiable risk factors :-

Female sex

post menopause


late menarche (first period)

family history of osteoporosis

Caucasian/Asian race

short stature

previous low-trauma fracture

- Disease & drugs Modifiable risk factors :-


Cushing's syndrome



Sex hormone deficiency in men/women

- Drugs that cause bone loss:



long-term heparin

anti-epileptic drugs

Factors that increase risk

visual impairiment

sedative medications

balance disorder

- Lifestyle Modifiable risk factors :-


excessive alcohol

physical inactivity

low calcium intake

vitamin D deficiency

#. Yes there is a difference in the treatment approach to males and females with osteoporosis.

Clinicians offer pharmacologic treatment to women with known osteoporosis to reduce the risk for hip and vertebral fractures; alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid, or denosumab may be used.

In postmenopausal women, estrogen or estrogen plus progestogen or raloxifene should not be used for the treatment of osteoporosis.

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