Vital signs arte used to measure bodys most basic functions such
as Temperature,Pulse,Respiration,BP.
- Normal body temperature ranges from 97.8 degrree F to 99 F
- Temperature can be taken orally,rectally ,axillary ,by
- Before taking temperature check the bulb of the thermometer to
make sure it is not broken.Clean the thermometer rubbing with
alcohol.Rinse with cold water.Make sure the the patients underarm
is dry.After shaking down the thermometer ,place it under the
patients arm .Fold the patients arm across his chest to keep the
thermometer in place.Stay with the patient and hold the thermometer
in place for 2 to 3 minutes. Hold the thermometer at eye
level.Slowly turn the thermometer until you see the line .Each long
mark is the same as 1 degree .Short marks are the same as
0.2degree.after that that take the thermometer and read it .the the
temperature you got shoud be added with 1 while taking temperature
in axilla.Clean the thermometer
Normal rate is 60-100 beats per
- Using the first and second fingertips press firmly but gently
on the arteries to feel the pulse.
- count the pulse for 60 sec.
- Normal respiration is 12 to 16 breaths per minute.
- it is measured when the patient is at restand involves counting
the number of breaths for 1 minute.
- Normal BP is
120/80mm of Hg.
- There are three types of sphygmomanmeters used they are
Mercury,Aneroid monitor and digital monitors are used to measure
- Ask the patient to sit with back the arm on a
solid flat surface with the upper part of the arm at heart
level.Wrap the cuff around the upper arm with the cuffs lower edge
1 inch above the antecubital fossa.Lightly press the stethoscope
bell over the brachial artery just belpw the cuffs edge .rapily
inflate the cuff to 180mm of Hg.Release air from the cuff at a
moderate rate.Listen with the stethoscope .The first knocking sound
is the patients dystolic pressure.When the knocking sound
disappears that is the diastolic pressure