In: Nursing
vaccine hesitancy among parents (for their children) as well as among adults (for themselves) exists in the United States which may limit the country's ability to control the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. As a health psychologist, you have been given the job of using a theory of health behavior change to design a multi-level public intervention to increase the rate of COVID-19 vaccine uptake once it has been found to be effective. Using one or more theories of health behavior change (see Health Behavior Theories in Gurung, please briefly describe 3 behavior change strategies that encompass multiple levels including strategies that, 1) medical and other social service providers can use with individual patients/families to get them to get the vaccine and/or vaccinate their children; 2) social strategies, including strategies for changing social norms about the benefits of getting the vaccine, and 3) structural strategies including ease of obtaining the vaccine such as the availability, price, amount of time required, etc. Please be specific regarding which theory (or theories) you are using and the corresponding strategy. For example, using the Theory of Planned Behavior, you might focus on changing parental attitudes about getting the vaccine by creating an instagram posts/videos for parents that focus on the way they value their children's education. The video would demonstrate that by getting the vaccine, it will enable their child - and their child's friends - to be able to attend school in-person. Describe 3 health behavior strategies and the corresponding theory of health behavior change for increasing the uptake of the potential COVID-19 vaccine.
The world immunisaion week April 24 - 30 is a one week period at the end of April dedicated to raising awareness and better understanding of how immunisation can fight against a host of disease that are otherwise easily contractible.Disease like Covid 19 cause serious harm especialy chidrens and old ages providing fatal in severe cases the lack immunization leads to the perfetuation of theese deadly disease when simple measures could effectively eradicate them completely, We can health educate the peoples like,
Getting immuised is community duty as the protection against Covid 19 ensures that you will not pass them to others who are not immunised and perpetuate the cycle of illness
Focus on the important of covid 19 vaccinating children to help them avoid suffering uncomfortable and painful symptoms
Remind people that even seemimngly harmless deseases such as Covid 19
Talk about monetary cost of providin health care
A communities future depentd on the health of its citizens particularly its childrens Besides being beneficial on an individual level spreding awarness and improving access to immunisation is crucial to economic and societal progress.