
In: Economics

According to Marx, how is it that capitalism lays the foundation for a more egalitarian society?

According to Marx, how is it that capitalism lays the foundation for a more egalitarian society?


Expert Solution

Answer: According to Karl Marx, Capitalism plays a vital role in the development of the society which have equal rights and no discrimination on the basis of Income, race or religion.

  • Modern industry have been developed in the world market has given wider scope to trade and business. Free trade has been arise from the industrial sector. Maximum utilisation of resources resulted in generation of income for all part of the society.
  • Wider coverage area of the industry.Raw material are not drawn from particular area but it can be drawn from all over the world.
  • Narrow mindness related to trade has been abolished by capitalist.
  • Main focus on intellectual production.
  • Capitalist brings man and machinery together through application of industry and agriculture as well as usage of new and advanced technology.
  • Marx said that capitalist created the value of money among individuals in the society.
  • Theory of value , wages and surplus has been created at there maximum. Value of there proportion to quality of human labour.
  • Workers received wages which are more than income generated from the commodity production.
  • As per capitalist labour is treated as cost of production.
  • Small manufacturer , presents and artistions become self conscious and independent. They abolished old system of dictorship and want to free from all rituals.

At last , capitalist brings an overall change in the society. They provide freedom to the society and abolished discrimination among people which resulted in egalitarian society.

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