In: Economics
Why and how capitalism creates monopolization according to Marx?
A good example for monopolization of capitalist is Glided Age
from 1870-1900 in US. According to Marx, monopolisation of capital
is used to denote stage of capitalism from last year of 19th
century to end of Second World War. Marx recognized such economy
was unstable and impermanent. There is cheapening of commodity.
This depends on productivity of labour and scale of production.
Marx coined that capitalism is turning point. The monopoly capital
theory states that capitalism undergoes evolution and
transformation. Monopoly of capitalism concern the degree of
concentration of industry, large force control corporation etc.
There is a greater tendency for centralization and
The United States is a metaphor for American capitalism in 21st
century. The over monopoly in capitalism create huge profit, but
will not focus on welfare. It leads unequal distribution of
national income, leads to inequality in the society. The richer
become rich and the poorer become poor.