
In: Biology

1. list and compare/contrast the major characteristics of the following microorganisms: fungi, protozoa, algae, bacteria, archaea,...

1. list and compare/contrast the major characteristics of the following microorganisms:
fungi, protozoa, algae, bacteria, archaea, small multicellular animals (helminths, arthropods),
viruses, viroids, prions
2. Compare and contrast the following forms of membrane transport: osmosis (hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic)


Expert Solution


Characteristic features of the following

Characters monera protista fungi
Cell type prokaryotes eukaryotes eukaryotes
Cell wall non cellulosic (polysaccharide + amino acid) present in some present without cellulose
Nuclear membrane absent present present
Body organisation cellular cellular multicellular with loose tissue
Mode of nutrition autotrophic (chemotropic and photosynthetic) heterotrophic (sporophytic/ parasite) autotrophic (photosynthetic) heterotrophic heterotrophic (sporophytic /parasitic)

Protozoa is a subclass of protista these are unicellular organism with heterotrophic nutrition they are believed to be primitive relatives animal

They are subdivided into four category

Amoeboid protozoans, flagellated protozoans, ciliated protozoa and sporozoans

Archaebacteria is the subclass of monera

these are special since they live in some of the most Harsh habitate such as extreme salty area (halophiles)

hot spring (thermoacidophiles) and

marshy area (methanogens)

Characteristic features of virus, viroid and prion

Characteristic features virus viroid prions
Nuclic acid present ( ss and ds DNA AND RNA) PRESENT ( ssRNA ABSENT
PRESENCE OF CAPSID OR ENVELOPE present absent absent
Presence of protein present absent present
Affected by heat yes not not
Affected by radiation yes yes not
Host bacteria, animal or plant plants mammals

Characteristic characteristic features of of small multicellular animal ( helminths and arthoparth)

the main characteristic features that differentiate helminths and arthropoda is the presence of true coelom in arthropoda

While the heliminth have pseudo -coelomates( the body cavity is present but it is not completely lined by mesoderm instead the mesoderm is present as scattered pouches.

Ans 2

osmosis is defined as the passage of water from its higher water concentration to lower water concentration through a semipermeable membrane

Hypertonic solution: A solution that contain higher concentration of solute in the cell

Hypotonic solution a solution that contain lower concentration of solute in the cell

An isotonic solution is a solution that maintain equilibrium between solute concentration inside the cell and the environment means it has equal concentration of solute in both side of the semipermeable membrane or cell

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