- Michaelis - Menten equation is

- Taking the reciprocal of this equation we get 1 /
V0 = Km / Vmax * [S] + 1 / Vmax
- Thus Lineweaver - Burk equation =

- A plot of 1 / V0 with 1 /[S] gives a straight line ;
such a plot is called double reciprocal / Lineweaver Burk
- The maximal rate Vmax, gives the turnover number of an enzyme -
which is defined as the number of substrate molecules converted
into product by an enzyme molecule in a unit time when the enzyme
is fully saturated with substrate.Denoted by kcat.
- kcat = Vmax/[E]T (general equation).
- kcat usually ranges from 1 to 104 per second.
Using Lineweaver Burk plot ;also we can determine kcat
- From the general equation ; kcat = Vmax / [E]T ;we get
- Vmax = kcat * [E]T
- Substituting in the value of Vmax in the general equation of
Lineweaver Burk plot we can thus calculate kcat ;
1 / V0 = Km / Kcat*[E]T*[S] + 1 / Kcat * [E]T
On rearranging we get;
1 / V0 = 1 / kcat * [E]T {Km+ [S]
/ [S] }
Thus Kcat calculated after again rearranging as follows
1 / kcat = 1 / V0 * [E]T { Km + [S] / [S] }