
In: Nursing

Each situation must include a care plan, 3 nursing diagnosis, include a med card with 3...

Each situation must include a care plan, 3 nursing diagnosis, include a med card with 3 additional potential meds for the situation, a nurse note for each situation and SBAR note .

Situation: The nurse is completing a patient history during an admission. The patient's wife reports that when she and her husband go for their daily walks, he can only go two blocks and then must sit down because of pain in the calves of his legs. They rest a while and walk another two blocks, but then the pain is back.

1. What additional history and physical assessments are indicated?

Two days later, the patient is assigned to you for nursing care. His primary nursing diagnosis is ineffective tissue perfusion related to insufficient oxygenation of the lower limbs manifested by pain on walking two blocks and diminished popliteal pulses, bilaterally.

2. What nursing interventions are indicated during the patient's hospitalization?

3. His health care provider prescribes cilostazol (Pletal), 100 mg bid. Review the drug monograph and discuss the drug’s action and adverse effects.

4. What health teaching would be needed in relation to his prescribed drug therapy?

Situation: A 76-year-old patient has been experiencing arteriosclerosis obliterans with intermittent claudication. He refuses to give up smoking. At his last office visit, he was given a prescription for pentoxifylline (Trental), 400 mg PO tid with meals. After leaving the examination room, he tells you (the office nurse) that the health care provider did not explain how this would work to improve his “leg pain.”

5. Explain in lay terms to the patient what is thought to be the mechanism of action of pentoxifylline and draw a diagram that depicts erythrocyte flexibility. Use the visual aid to help him understand how the drug could improve his leg pain.

6. One week later, the patient calls the office and says, “That new medication you gave me for my leg pain isn’t working.” How should you respond?


Expert Solution

1. Patient is suffering from deep vein thrombosis or burger disease it is mainly due to life style habit

For history Nd physical assessment,lifestyle habut of person should be known

And also history of

A.past injury

C reduced motility or inactive life style

D. Certain medicine which can form clot

Answer 2

Nursing interventions

  • Bed rest to prevent clot dislodgment.
  • Elevate affected or both legs.
  • Turn patient every 2 hours without crossing legs.
  • Range-of-motion exercises to the unaffected leg.
  • Warm compresses to help reduce swelling.
  • Monitor vital signs every 4-6 hours

Answer 3.this medicine is used for treatment of intermittent claudication,which cause reduce blood flow in lower limbs which cause pain and difficulty in movement,this medicine let him walk with out pain for longer duration

Mechanism of action of cilatstazole is exerts its action by inhibiting phosphodiesterase activity and suppressing cAMP degradation. The inhibition of PDE3 allows for a rise in cAMP in platelets and blood vessels

Side effects

Cilostazol Side Effects

  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea.
  • Stomach pain or gas.
  • Heartburn or indigestion.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness.
  • Increased frequency of coughing.
  • Muscle pain.

Answwr 4

Take this medication exactly as it was prescribed for you. Do not take the medication in larger amounts, or take it for longer than recommended by your doctor. Take each dose with a full glass of water. Cilostazol is usually taken twice a day, at least 30 minutes before or 2 hours after breakfast or dinner

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: h

difficult breathing;

swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Call your doctor at once if you have:

Common side effects may include:

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