Ans. Following are
the four supergroups of eukaryotes and their characteristics:
- Excavata -This
supergroup consists of members with characteristic "excavated
groove on one side of their cell body.It consists of 3 major
clades;the parabasalids and the diplomonads,both having a modified
mitochondria and the euglenozoans that have flagella which is
different in structure from those of other organisms.This
supergroup includes parasites like Giardia as well as
photosynthetic and predatory species.
- ''SAR Clade'' -
This supergroup is named after 3 large and very diverse
clades;Stramenopila,Alveolata and Rhizaria.Stramenopila consists of
some of the most important photosynthetic organisms of earth like
diatoms.Alveolata consists of photosynthetic organisms as wells as
some important pathogens,such as Plasmodium,malaria
causing pathogen.The many of the important groups of photosynthetic
organisms of stramenopila and alveolata are through to have been
arised by the secondary endosymbiosis.Rhizarian subgroup includes
many amoeba species,most of which have threadlike pseudopodia.
- Archaeplastida
-This supergroup includes the reg algae and the green algae,along
with other land plants benlonging to the kingdom Plantae.Red algae
and green algae consists of unicellular species,colonial species
like the green alga volvox as well as multicellular
species.Protists belonging to this supergroup consists of key
photosynthetic species that forms the base,the important part of
the food web in some of the aquatic communities.
- Unikonta -Unikonta
includes the amoebas having lobe or tube shaped pseudopodia and
animals,fungi and other non-amoeba protists that are closely
related to fungi or animals.This supergroup is also very diverse
and consists of two clades;Amoebozoans and Opisthokonts.Amobozoans
includes the group slime molds,that produces fruiting body which
helps in spore dispersal.Opisthokonts includes the group
Nucleariids that are closely related to fungi and Choanoflagellates
that closely reates to animals.