
In: Nursing

How have the worldviews of researchers influenced how they studied intercultural communication?

How have the worldviews of researchers influenced how they studied intercultural communication?


Expert Solution

Influential factors of world views of researchers are

                                                                             *Difference in cultural practices of people all over the world.[Asian,European].

                                                                              *Physical difference between people.[male,female]

                                                                              * Difference in landscapes of the world.[polar,tropical]

                                                                              *Difference in resources.[water,oil,food]

                                                                              * Use of new technologies,industrial development.

Researchers studied intercultural communication through,

* Collect some basic knowledge about different cultures,their do's and don'ts.

*Know about their life style,education,economic status and occupation.

*Doing research about how culture can affect communication and language.

   *Understanding of their behaviour in specific intercultural environments like care of mother and child ,food preferences,hygiene practices.

   *Use of non verbal communication whenever necessary.

   *Should be aware of our own and other peoples belives and values which avoid interruption in intercultural communication.                   

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