
In: Nursing

Drawing on the readings, discuss your experiences with health and illness until this point in your...

Drawing on the readings, discuss your experiences with health and illness until this point in your life. This doesn’t have to be you specifically; it could be observations of a family member, a fictional friend, or a community acquaintance, or a combination of several experiences or observations.

Discuss The use of the biomedical system- how did the physician interact with you or the patient? (holistic vs. object vs. bio-chemical process).

The use of the ‘lay referral system’ – did you or the person you know get the advice or referral that they were looking for?

The experience of power/knowledge inherent in the medical realm- have you experienced or observed this? How? What did you think of it?

Reading references

Crinson, I., & Martino, L. (2017). Section 1: The theoretical perspectives and methods of enquiry of the sciences concerned with human behaviour. In Concepts of Health, Wellbeing and Illness, and the Aetiology of Illness. Accessed at:

Crinson, I., & Martino, L. (2017). Section 2: Illness as a social role. In Concepts of Health, Wellbeing and Illness, and the Aetiology of Illness. Accessed at:

Crinson, I., & Martino, L. (2017). Section 6: Impairment, disability and handicap. In Concepts of Health, Wellbeing and Illness, and the Aetiology of Illness. Accessed at:

Mechanic, D. (1972). Sociology and public health: perspectives for application. American Journal of Public Health, 62(2),147-151. Accessed at: or to download here.


Expert Solution

Bio medical system:

Physician--patient communication, Physician represent medical problems mostly in terms of biomedical knowledge underlying the diseases, where as patients represent them in terms of narrative structures of illness.. successful communication between the doctor and the patient,disease models needs to be influenced by the illness model of the patient..patients understand their illness by reconstructing events in their lives in a story manner,based on common sense beliefs..physicians bring out patient knowledge and beliefs about illnesses,particularly personal experiences of the diseases and how it will affect their daily lives.. Physician can not have easy access to each patient's knowledge and their illness model..

Doctor-centered interactions are communicating them in a direct authoritative many countries they are following patient- center's care by open communication with the patient, listening,reflecting and using probing questions to explore the patient' s experience and concern..This system is more useful for patients and health care involves patient in decisions about their treatment improves compliance with medications..adherence to treatment and greater participation in self_care and monitoring..

Lay referral system:

Difference between lay and professional was critical analysis..lay community members find support for their work other than what doctors tell them to do .numbers of lay people sick consult is high they have a more chance of preserving the their independence from professional control.. indeed,the whole process of getting help from consultant for their illness...This network of consultants,which is part of the structure of the local lay community and which imposes form on the seeking of help, called lay referral system..when the patient and prospective patients rely on the lay referral system, Physicians and the results of their work judged by lay people using lay system of thoughts and evaluation..

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