In: Nursing
Three components of verbal communication
1,Clarity and Relevance
Languages or vocabulary used in verbal communication must be clear and relevant
because for effective communication simple,understandable and direct method of
talk is needed and unclear and unspecific information make negative impact in
communication process.
2, Pacing
Communication become successful only maintain a appropriate speed or pace
speaking too slowly or rapidly result in ineffective communication so trying to maintain
normal rhythm is necessery fot transfer of data.
3, Denotative meaning
During communication process some words which is used have different meanings
so if the person we communicate may misinterpret the meaning result in ineffective Code Blue is a code used in emergency situvations and people
other than health workers may unawaire of this term.
Three components of non-verbal communication
1 ,Facial expression
Facial expression of a person helps to know about emotions such as happiness
anger,surprise,fear and sadness and make responses accourding to his or her
2, Eye contact
progress of communication can measure by assessing eye contact of the person
good eye contact during conversation shows willingness to listen and respect and
it give iformation about emotions of people.
3, Posture and gait
The way of walking and posture shows attitude,confidence,self concept and mental
and physical status of the person it convey an idea about how to begin talk with the (Leaning forward during talking shows attention)