
In: Nursing

Polysomnography (Sleep study) Describe 4 cardiac branch blocks Describe 4 types of PVC arrhythmias Describe the...

Polysomnography (Sleep study)

Describe 4 cardiac branch blocks

Describe 4 types of PVC arrhythmias

Describe the 3 Apneas

Describe the 3 types of Partial air flow events

Name the 3 deadly rhythms


Expert Solution

1) cardiac branch block also called bundle branch block is a condition in which delay or blockage along the pathway that electrical impulses travel to make the heart beat.

Bifascicular block : this is a combination of right bundle branch block either left anterior fascicular block or left posterior fascicular block

Trifascicular block : is a problem with the electrical conduction of the heart.specially the three fascicles that carry electrical impulses. The three fascicles include right bundle branch, the left anterior fascicle and the left posterior fascicle.

Tachy cardia dependent bundle branch block : is a defect in the conduction system of the heart.

2) 4 Types of PVC arrythmias are

Trigeminy - every third beat is a PVC

Quadrigeminy -every 4th beat is a PVC

Couplet - two consecutive PVC

NSVT -three thirty consecutive PVCs.

3) Apnea means without breath apnea are different types like

obstructive apnea : this type of apnea occurs when the muscles that support the soft tissues in throat , tongue,and soft palate temperorly relax. when the muscle relax airway is narrowed or closed .it is a serious sleep disorder.

central apnea :is a disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. this type of apnea occurs when the brain doesnot send proper signal to the muscles that control breathing

mixed apnea : is an apnea that begins as acentral apnea and ends as an obstructive apnea.

4) partial airflow events includes airway obstruction can leads to partial airflow common cause include bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia

5) ventricular fibrillation: is a life threatening heart rhythm that result in a rapid, inadequate heart beat.

ventricular tachycardia:is a condition in which the lower chambers of the heart beat very quickly.

asystole : is a state of total cessation of electrical activity from the heart, which means no tissue contraction from the heart muscles , so no blood flow to the rest of the body.  

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