DESIGN IN RAPTOR PROGRAMMING APP Le Chef Heureux Restaurant has 20 tables that can be reserved...

DESIGN IN RAPTOR PROGRAMMING APP Le Chef Heureux Restaurant has 20 tables that can be reserved at 5 p.m., 7 p.m., or 9 p.m. Design a program that accepts reservations for specific tables at specific times; the user enters the number of customers, the table number, and the time. Do not allow more than four guests per table or invalid table numbers or times. If an attempt is made to reserve a table already taken, reprompt the user. Continue to accept reservations until the user enters a sentinel value or all slots are filled. Then display all empty tables in each time slot.

In: Computer Science

#include <stdio.h> int main() { float sum_salary=0,sum_raise=0,sum_newsalary=0; while(1) { float salary,rate,raise,newsalary; printf("Enter Salary :"); scanf("%f",&salary); if(salary==-1)...

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
float sum_salary=0,sum_raise=0,sum_newsalary=0;
float salary,rate,raise,newsalary;
printf("Enter Salary :");
return 0;
printf("Total Salary :%f Total raise :%f Total New Salary: %f",sum_salary,sum_raise,sum_newsalary);
return 0;

if(salary>=0 &&salary<30000)
else if(salary>=30000 &&salary<=40000)
else if(salary>40000)
printf("Salary :%f rate :%f Raise :%f New Salary: %f\n",salary,rate,raise,newsalary);


Hi can you please make sure that the following program will ask the user the following question before the salaries are entered? I am not sure where I would have to add this in for it ask that. If you can fit this requirement in the program that will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Here is the question that the program should ask, "How many salaries do you want to enter?"

In: Computer Science

try to find articles that deal with virtual servers and/or the cloud to discuss the problems...

try to find articles that deal with virtual servers and/or the cloud to discuss the problems that are coming with moving everything virtual. Where are the issues? What can be done to mitigate these risks?

In: Computer Science

Task 1: Pick one aspect of the mayhem that Ukraine experienced. Describe it from a Ukranian...

Task 1: Pick one aspect of the mayhem that Ukraine experienced. Describe it from a Ukranian citizen's perspective.

Task 2: Now, relate it to the current COVID-19 situation in some way... we are literally living in a historic time. How do governments and individual citizens respond to uncertainty in times such as this? Post your three top tips for dealing with an unanticipated event at work or in your personal life. This is incident response and risk management tasks IRL. Below are two resources to possibly frame your thinking in either arena. Cite your sources, external and internal (i.e., the book).

In: Computer Science

How does a Cloud provider supply storage, processing, and memory to multiple tenants? Give some examples...

  • How does a Cloud provider supply storage, processing, and memory to multiple tenants? Give some examples and your opinion on why this is better than doing it yourself.
  • In your opinion, how does Cloud computing improve business flexibility? Is this possible without a Cloud component?
  • In Cloud computing, how does a business benefit by the ability to scale resources on demand? In your opinion, is this the easy way to accomplish this?
  • Sustainability is not an essential characteristic of Cloud computing. Why do you think this is true?
  • How are mobile clients effecting the use of Cloud computing? Is this a necessary transition for this technology?

In: Computer Science

Language C++! In part 2, you will be focusing on allowing one of the four transactions...

Language C++!

In part 2, you will be focusing on allowing one of the four transactions listed below to be completed by the user on one of his accounts: checking or savings. You will include defensive programming and error checking to ensure your program functions like an ATM machine would. The account details for your customer are as follows:

Customer Username Password Savings Account Checking Account
Robert Brown rbrown blue123 $2500.00 $35.00

For this report, update the C++ program that allows the account owner to complete one of the 5 functions of the ATM:

1 – Deposit (adding money to the account)
2 – Withdrawal (removing money from the account)
3 – Balance Inquiry (check current balance)
4 – Transfer Balance (transfer balance from one account to another)
5 – Log Out (exits/ends the program)

After a transaction is completed, the program will update the running balance and give the customer a detailed description of the transaction. A customer cannot overdraft on their account; if they try to withdraw more money than there is, a warning will be given to the customer. Also note that the ATM doesn’t distribute or collect coins – all monetary values are in whole dollars (e.g. an integer is an acceptable variable type). Any incorrect transaction types will display an appropriate message and count as a transaction.

In: Computer Science

Using a Java. 2. Write a Java program to take the input for number of...

Using a Java.

2. Write a Java program to take the input for number of miles, and the class of journey (1,2, or 3, for first, second, and third class respectively), for a train journey.

The program should then calculate and display the fare of journey based on the following criteria:
Note: Use and if...else construct

First (1) Class

Second (1) Class

Third (3) Class

First 100 mile

$ 3 per mile

$ 2 per mile

$ 1.50 per mile

Next 150 mile

$ 2.50 per mile

$ 1.50 per mile

$ 1 per mile


$ 2 per mile

$ 1 per mile

$ 0.50 per mile

- Input, usage of appropriate data types - 2 points
- Appropriate usage of if...else in each case of switch construct for each class of journey : 4 points
- Documentation and appropriate variable names- 2 points

The layout of  switch case should be as follows:



     case 1: if construct for calculating fare for class 1

     case 2: if construct for calculating fare for class 2

     case 3: if construct for calculating fare for class 3

     default: Display it is an invalid class


In: Computer Science



Imagine your daily routine being entirely dependent on a smartphone app. Leaving your home, taking the subway, going to work, entering cafes, restaurants and shopping malls, where each move is dictated by the color shown on your screen. Green: you're free to proceed. Amber or Red: you're barred from entry.


1) What are the barriers to effectively deploy the use of Healthcare Technology to successfully manage pandemics?

2) Identify how Healthcare Technology can be a driver for shaping the new normal necessary for successfully realising the “Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development plan”.

In: Computer Science

What in your opinion is the best place to locate a firewall by comparing firewall locations...

What in your opinion is the best place to locate a firewall by comparing firewall locations on a network by considering that multiple firewalls could be beneficial or an obstacle with references?

In: Computer Science

A student is eligible to apply for graduation in a semester if the student has completed...

A student is eligible to apply for graduation in a semester if the student has completed 120 or more credits and currently registered in the senior project class. Your job is to write a C++ program to determine whether a student can apply for graduation or not.

The program should ask questions to the user on the screen and determine and output "Yes, you can apply for graduation" or "No, you cannot apply for graduation yet". Make sure to test your program for both graduating and not graduating student data.

In: Computer Science

In this question, you are investigating a private sector case that involves a possible termination of...

In this question, you are investigating a private sector case that involves a possible termination of an employee of a large commercial organisation. You have been given access to the employee computer on which some inappropriate files were discovered. The employee swears that he has never accessed these files. How would you proceed to investigate this case by analysing the computer employee has used, who has access to the computer and what other possible relevant directions that you consider?

In: Computer Science

Briefly explain an NTFS Standard Permission and what it is used for. How are those different...

Briefly explain an NTFS Standard Permission and what it is used for. How are those different from FAT permissions? Are NTFS permissions necessary?

In: Computer Science

1.Why is communication valubale to business environment ?? 2.You are a junior manager in a store....

1.Why is communication valubale to business environment ??

2.You are a junior manager in a store. Senior management has given you the following personal memo and ask you to turn it into a piece of formal communication to all staff.

G'day Ali. How are you? I have noticed that you have been very badly dressed for work when you come into work the last two days. You must look good for our customers. Hey mate, you won't walk into a store where the sales people are badly dressed. We have competition left, right and centre of our store in this mall so anything you can do to impress a customer is important. Let's meet up for a coffee later today ok? Regards - Sam

In: Computer Science

Recall that in MergeSort algorithm, we used a linear-time subroutine called Merge which merges two sorted...

Recall that in MergeSort algorithm, we used a linear-time subroutine called Merge which merges two sorted lists into a single sorted list. Now suppose there are k sorted lists and there are n elements in total in these k lists. Design an efficient algorithm that merges these k sorted lists into one sorted list. The running time of your algorithm should be a function of both n and k.

In: Computer Science

In distributed software development there are temporal, geographical and sociocultural distances. Which of the following statements...

In distributed software development there are temporal, geographical and sociocultural distances. Which of the following statements are true

DSD allows convenient access to remote skilled work forces

DSD reduces the need for coordination thus minimizes communication frequencies.

In certain culture “authority” gets in the way of team efficacy

Time zone differences can be taken advantage of for 24x7 operations

All of the above

In: Computer Science