Deadlock –Banker’s Algorithm A system has three resource types (A, B, C) and four processes {P1,...

Deadlock –Banker’s Algorithm

A system has three resource types (A, B, C) and four processes {P1, P2, P3, P4 }. The total units of system resources are: (8, 5, 4) units of A, B and C, respectively. The maximum demands for each process is P1(1,2,3), P2(3,2,1), P3(6,5,4) and P4(4,4,2). The current allocation is: P1(0,1,1), P2(2,2,0) and P3(3,0,1) and P4(1,0,1).

(a) Allocation table is given for the 3 processes with the following four columns: PROCESS, ALLOCATION, MAX and NEED. And fill this table with the current allocation state.

(b) Is this state a safe state? Explain your answer by identifying a successful future sequence of processes that makes the state safe, or by explaining which processes are part of the problem that makes the state unsafe?

PROCESS      ALLOCATION             MAX                 NEED

                            A   B   C                A   B   C            A   B   C

* P0 4 5 0 1 3 6 3 2 6 (*P0 is just an example)

   P1                    0   1   1                1   2   3           

   P2                    2   2   0                3   2   1          

   P3                    3   0   1                6   5   4           

   P4                    1   0   1                4   4   2

In: Other

S & Y are partners with profit sharing ratio as 2:1

S & Y are partners with profit sharing ratio as 2:1. The position of the firm 31st December 2004 when they decided to dissolve the business was as follows:

Sundry Creditor1,50,000Plant & Machinery2,50,000
General Reserve1,00,000Furniture40,000
Capital Accounts:
S quad2,20,000
Y quad2,20,0004,40,000Cash at bank1,00,000

The details or realization was as follows:
   1. S took over plant & machinery and furniture at book value less 10%
   2. Y took over the stock at Rs. 1,75,000
   3. Debtors realized Rs. 1,85,000
   4. Sundry creditors were settled at a discount of 5%

Required: Prepare necessary journal entries and ledger accounts to close the books of the firm.

In: Other

Case Exercise: Apple The following questions are based on key symptoms (both favorable and unfavorable) of...

Case Exercise: Apple

The following questions are based on key symptoms (both favorable and unfavorable) of Apple and underlying causes that affect key symptoms as they are observed in the case. In addition, there is a general question on solutions that also addresses the causes. Each multiple choice and short answer question number under Key Symptoms corresponds to the same question number under Underlying Causes (e.g., Question 3 under Key Symptoms 1 corresponds to Question 3 under Underlying Causes 1).

Before beginning this exercise, you will need to read the Apple case.

Key Symptoms 1

Please answer the following multiple choice questions.

1. Since 2006 Apple has reported gross margins of over

multiple choice 1

  • 20%.

  • 25%.

  • 30%.

  • 35%.

  • None of the answers are correct.

2. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple, he

multiple choice 2

  • strengthened relationships with third-party software developers.

  • created an alliance with Microsoft.

  • wooed Adobe to produce Mac-compatible programs.

  • released the iPod.

  • All of the answers are correct.

3. In 2018, what worried investors about the Apple computer business?

multiple choice 3

  • a spike in quantity demanded of Apple’s computer products

  • a 5% decline in sales of Apple’s computer products

  • a relaunch of the iMac with complete redesign

  • a lawsuit from non-Asian companies that accuses Apple of stealing their design

  • None of the answers are correct.

4. What was Apple Inc.’s name, prior to 2007?

multiple choice 4

  • Apple Computers

  • Apple Inc.

  • Apple Macintosh

  • Apple I

  • Apple II

5. Since the death of the founder, Apple has

multiple choice 5

  • reduced spending on R&D.

  • launched the iPad.

  • launched only one new physical product.

  • launched many new physical products.

  • None of the answers are correct.

In: Other

Luxury and Speed at Louis VuittonThis activity is important because agile organizations rely on uniquely...

Luxury and Speed at Louis Vuitton

This activity is important because agile organizations rely on uniquely flexible, organic structures that can respond quickly to customer and market needs. Managers should be aware of this type of structure, as it is increasingly needed in global markets where the time from manufacturing to stores is faster than ever.

The goal of this activity is to demonstrate your understanding of organizational structure by reading a case and answering questions that follow.

Read the following case about Louis Vuitton and choose the best answer to each question.

Agile production is the application of advanced technology, processes and employee training that allow a company to respond quickly and efficiently to market needs, while maintaining quality.

Louis Vuitton, a private $50 billion company founded in 1854, is a “suborganization” of Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH), a public company. LVMH has a decentralized structure that allows its sub-organizations to operate independently.

Quality is synonymous with Louis Vuitton (LV) luxury leather goods, but certainly not what you think of when hearing “agile production.” However, Louis Vuitton is a leader in luxury goods time-to-market manufacturing, with low production quality defects and work processes that rely on highly skilled workers.

How can it be possible to combine speed, quality, and changing trends? Louis Vuitton credits agile production. With 460 stores in 50 countries in 2018, the newest 2019 manufacturing sites in France have natural light, fewer supervisors and modular workstations. Along with the fast-to-market, high-quality processes, the company reduces waste and meets environmental protection standards.

Hiring highly skilled employees is very important because workers may complete any part of the product. The company states that it hires only 10% of applicants and that they must have “superior skills.” Even then, the new employees take part in six months of training. It’s not just the employees who are highly skilled. The high-tech machines easily switch modes to adapt to the stage of production. The gains are not just in speed but in lower defects and fewer returns.

The parent company LVMH states that its goal is for Louis Vuitton to “strive to master their distribution: in this way, they offer their clientele unique purchasing experiences.”

Question 1: Louis Vuitton would be considered what type of organization?

a. Hierarchical

b. Mechanistic

c. Matrix

d. Multicultural

e. Organic

Question 2: The business environment for Louis Vuitton would be considered ________ and, therefore, needing ________.

a. Stable; low-cost

b. Dynamic; Stability

c. Low-cost; stability

d. Dynamic; Flexibility

e. Stable; Stability

Question 3: A key part of agile work at Louis Vuitton is having employees who are?

a. Not too specialized and can work at different stages of the production process.

b. Able to train other employees in their specialization.

c. From other industries from which they can bring ideas for new products.

d. Able to work in a highly centralized, formalized environment.

e. Highly specialized and experts in one area of production.

Question 4: The Louis Vuitton new manufacturing sites in France are not consolidated into one very large factory, so the smaller size will help?

a. Increase centralization.

b. Decrease organic nature.

c. Increase formalization

d. Lower formalization.

e. Increase span of control.


In: Other

"We are certainly in a better position in terms of diversity management than we were five...

"We are certainly in a better position in terms of diversity management than we were five years ago," said Patricia Collins-Jones, CEO of BetterFit, Inc. "We certainly have a more diverse employee population, and we have taken steps to involve people from different backgrounds in our business operations. However, I expect us to do more. We must be an organization where diversity not only exists, but is valued. We must
Multiple Choice
  • encourage minority group members to adopt the norms of the majority
  • fully integrate minority group members, both formally and informally
  • strive to build a more homogeneous employee population
  • focus primarily upon employees' visible differences, like race or sex
  • encourage more intergroup productive conflict

In: Other

Bakery A sells bread for $2 per loaf that costs $0.80 per loaf to make. Bakery...

Bakery A sells bread for $2 per loaf that costs $0.80 per loaf to make. Bakery A gives a 75% discount for its bread at the end of the day. Demand for the bread is normally distributed with a mean of 300 and a standard deviation of 30. What order quantity maximizes expected profit for Bakery A?

a) 324.00

b) 300.17

c) 325.25

In: Other

CodeDesk Inc matches programmers with freelance jobs. It has 30 employees who staff its online chat...

CodeDesk Inc matches programmers with freelance jobs. It has 30 employees who staff its online chat room. It receives, on average, 240 chat requests per hour, and the average chat session takes 5 minutes to complete ( i. e., from start to finish). On average, how many chat sessions are active (i.e., started but not completed)?

In: Other

Beth Zion Hospital has received initial certification from the state of California to become a center...

Beth Zion Hospital has received initial certification from the state of California to become a center for liver transplants. The hospital, however, must complete its first 10 transplants under great scrutiny and at no cost to the patients with the hospital picking the expenses. The cost per hour of surgery is estimated to be $5, 200. The very first transplant, just completed, required 27 hours. On the basis of research at the hospital, Beth Zion estimates that it will have an 80% learning curve. Using Table E.3, estimate the time it will take to complete:
a) the 10^th transplant
b) The cost of 10^th surgery to Beth Zion Hospital =
c) the first 10 transplants
d) The cost of all 10 surgeries to Beth Zion Hospital = $

In: Other

54) Marquise Jewelers is a national chain of value jewelry stores with locations throughout North America....

54) Marquise Jewelers is a national chain of value jewelry stores with locations throughout North America. "Luxury service at affordable prices" is the crux of Marquise's business model, and executive management is always looking for ways to ensure that the high standards in this area are maintained. Recently, several of their stores in New England have had an uptick in customer service complaints, and they received an average Yelp rating of three stars, down from four stars during the last financial year. Marlee, the regional manager for New England, meets with Deray and Kiki, local store managers, and Tarquin, the top salesperson in their area, to discuss strategies for improving their customer service rating. Each employee writes down several goals. Given what you know about management by objectives, which one of these goals do you consider the best option?   

A) make sure sales staff provide customer service that goes above and beyond

B) within the next six months, reduce the rate of customer service complaints by half

C) have sales staff follow up with every customer personally by phone or email

D) by month's end, implement a checklist of ten goals for each customer interaction

E) implement a mystery shopper program, which will file periodic reports with management

In: Other

Tobacco is shipped from North Carolina to a cigarette manufacturer in Cambodia once a year. The...

Tobacco is shipped from North Carolina to a cigarette manufacturer in Cambodia once a year. The reorder point, without safety stock, is 200 kilos. The carrying cost is $20 per kilo per year, and the cost of a stockout is $70 per kilo per year. Given the following demand probabilities during the lead time, how much safety stock should be carried?
Demand During Lead Time(Kilos) Probability

0 ................... .....................................0.1
100 ......................................................0.1
200 ..................................................... 0.2
300 ................... ..................................0.4
400 ................... ..................................0.2

The optimal quantity pf safety stock which minimizes expeted total cost is ____ kilos (enter anwser as a whole number).

In: Other

Which of the following statements regarding aggregate planning in services is FALSE? Approaches to aggregate planning...

Which of the following statements regarding aggregate planning in services is FALSE?

Approaches to aggregate planning differ by the type of service provided

. Some service organizations conduct aggregate planning in exactly the same way as manufacturing firms, but with demand management taking a more active role.

Aggregate planning in some service industries may be easier than in manufacturing.

Labor is the primary aggregate planning vehicle.

Level scheduling is far more common than using a chase strategy.

In: Other

A security professional wants to test a piece of malware that was isolated on a user's...

A security professional wants to test a piece of malware that was isolated on a user's computer to document its effect on a system. Which of the following is the FIRST step the security professional should take?

A.Create a sandbox on the machine.

B.Open the file and run it.

C.Create a secure baseline of the system state.

D.Hardon the machine

In: Other

Expectancy Theory According to expectancy theory, motivation involves the relationship between your effort, your performance, and...

Expectancy Theory
According to expectancy theory, motivation involves the relationship between your effort, your performance, and the desirability of the outcomes (such as pay or recognition) you receive for your performance. These relationships are affected by three elements- expectancy, instrumentality, and valence. For your motivation to be high, you must have a high level of all three of these elements. If any element is low, motivation decreases. This activity is important because the underlying logic of expectancy theory is understandable and applicable for managers, and the theory has received a great deal of research support for its use as a motivational tool.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge your knowledge of the expectancy theory of motivation.
For each person, select the element of expectancy theory that his or her scenario best exemplifies. If a scenario does not relate to an element of expectancy theory, select "Does not apply."
1. Ryo is not very excited about meeting his performance goals this quarter because he has compared his goals to his coworker's goals and doesn't feel they are equitable. 
2. Lucy wants to attend training before she takes on a new job role. Does not apply 
3. At this time in his life, Mateo would rather have more time off than he would a bonus check. 
4. Thu could care less about meeting her goals this quarter because the reward is a $500 Omaha Steaks gift card and Thu is a vegetarian. 
5. Darius isn't confident about tackling a new project because he's not at all familiar with the software platform. 
6. Catalina knows that she will receive a huge year-end bonus if she meets her sales goals. 
7. Madison is going to try really hard to succeed at her project because she has a high need for achievement.
8. Adnan's boss dangles rewards in front of employees as performance incentives, but sadly Adnan knows that even when employees perform well, most of them never see any actual rewards.
Options are Expectancy, Instrumentality, Valence, or Does not Apply

In: Other

Consider a four-step serial process with processing times given in the following list. There is one...

Consider a four-step serial process with processing times given in the following list. There is one machine at each step of the process, and this is a machine-paced process. bullet
Step 1: 25 minutes per unit bullet
Step 2: 15 minutes per unit bullet
Step 3: 30 minutes per unit bullet
Step 4: 20 minutes per unit
Assuming that the process starts out empty, how long will it take (in hours) to complete a batch of 105 units?

In: Other

​A and B were in partnership sharing profit and losses in the proportion of three fourth and one fourth respectively.

A and B were in partnership sharing profit and losses in the proportion of three fourth and one fourth respectively. Their balance Sheet stood as follows on 31st December 2003.

LIABILITIES …….…….…. Rs.
Creditors …………………....... 37,500
Capital Account
A ……………………………......… 40,000
B…………………………......……. 10,000
TOTAL ……………….…… 87,500

ASSETS …………….….. Rs.
Cash at bank ………... 22,500
Bill receivable……..…. 3,000
Book debts…………..… 16,000
Stock………..………….. 20,000
Furniture………..…….. 1,000
Building………..…….... 25,000
TOTAL……………... 87,500

They admitted C into partnership 1st January 2004 on the following terms:

  1. The C pays Rs. 10,000 as his capital for 1/5 share in the future profits.

  2. That goodwill for Rs. 20,000 is raised in the books of the new firm.

  3. That stock and furniture are reduced by 10% and that a 5% provision is made for likely bad debts.

  4. That the capital Accounts of A and B are readjusted on the basis of their profit sharing ratios.


Pass the necessary journal entries and give the ledger Accounts and opening Balance Sheet of the new firm.

In: Other