In June 2021, the demand for COVID testing increased exponentially due to a pick in the third wave of the Corona virus disease

In June 2021, the demand for COVID testing increased exponentially due to a pick in the third wave of the Corona virus disease. The government has put out an offer to subsidy testing at private clinics and hospitals to make access to testing more accessible and to lessen the burden on state resources. The subsidy will only be provided to certain medical practices.

Fortunately, the chair of the board, who is also the CEO and a CA(NAM) at a local private medical practice is good friends with the government official who is overseeing the process of allocating the subsidies. The subsidy would substantially decrease the cost of sales for the test kits. Since the bonuses this year are driven primarily by profit after tax all of management has signed off on taking the government official on trip. The company thus paid for the government official and his children to go and attend the Kanye West concert in America, all expenses paid.

a. In term of the CPC please identify (10)

  1. Ethical issues you identified in the information above

  2. For all ethical issues identified

    1. State the principles that apply

    2. Explain why they apply

    3. Identify the threats that are applicable

    4. Identify some safeguards

b. Identify and explain any other ethical concerns in terms of any other codes and legislations. (5

In: Other

A paragraph's supporting sentences provide

1. A paragraph's supporting sentences provide


all of these choices.






specific details.

2. Paragraphs are coherent when


all sentences are written in the active voice.


each sentence includes dependent and independent clauses.


ideas are linked; that is, one idea leads logically to the next.


All answer choices are correct.

3. In the active voice, the subject is acted upon. In the passive voice, the subject is the doer of the action.



4. A ____________________ results when a writer joins two independent clauses with a comma.

In: Other

Peter Kanakarian has decided to open a printing shop. He has secured two contracts:

Peter Kanakarian has decided to open a printing shop. He has secured two contracts: (1) a five-year contract to print a popular regional magazine (5,000 copies each month), and (2) a three-year agreement to print tourist brochures for the province (10,000 brochures per month).

Peter has rented a building for $1,400 per month. His printing equipment was purchased for $40,000 and has a life expectancy of 20,000 hours with no salvage value. Depreciation is assigned to a period based on the hours of usage. Peter has scheduled the delivery of the products so that two production runs are needed. In the first run, the equipment is prepared for the magazine printing. In the second run, the equipment is reconfigured for brochure printing. It takes twice as long to configure the equipment for the magazine setup as it does for the brochure setup. The total setup costs per month are $600.

Insurance costs for the building and equipment are $140 per month. Power to operate the printing equipment is strongly related to machine usage. The printing equipment causes virtually all the power costs. Power costs will run $350 per month. Printing materials will cost $0.40 per copy for the magazine and $0.08 per copy for the brochure. Peter will hire workers to run the presses as needed (part-time workers are easy to hire). He must pay $10 per hour. Each worker can produce 20 copies of the magazine per printing hour or 100 copies of the brochure. Distribution costs are $500 per month. Peter will receive a salary of $1,500 per month. He is responsible for personnel, accounting, sales, and production—in effect, he is responsible for administering all aspects of the business.

1.  What are the total monthly manufacturing costs?

2.  What are the total monthly prime costs?

What are the total monthly prime costs for the regional magazine?

For the brochure?

3.  What are the total monthly conversion costs? Suppose Peter wants to determine monthly conversion costs for each product. Assign monthly conversion costs to each product using direct tracing and relationship tracing whenever possible. For those costs that cannot be assigned using a tracing approach, you may assign them using direct labour hours. Enter amounts as positive numbers. Do not round any divisions.

4.  Peter receives $1.80 per copy of the magazine and $0.45 per brochure. Prepare an income statement for the first month of operations.

In: Other

Tom Johnson Manufacturing intends to increase capacity through the addition of new equipment. Two vendors have...

Tom Johnson Manufacturing intends to increase capacity through the addition of new equipment. Two vendors have presented proposals. The fixed costs for proposal A are​ $50,000, and for proposal​ B, $70,000. The variable cost for A is​ $12.00, and for​ B, $10.00. The revenue generated by each unit is​ $20.00.

​a) If the expected volume is​ 8,500 units, _______(proposal A or proposal B) with a total profit = $______ should be chosen ​(enter your response as a whole​ number).

In: Other

Arthur Meiners is the production manager of Wheel-Rite, a small producer of metal parts. Wheel-Rite supplies...

Arthur Meiners is the production manager of Wheel-Rite, a small producer of metal parts. Wheel-Rite supplies Cal-Tex, a larger assembly company, with 11,000 wheel barings each year. This order has been stable for some time. Setup cost for Wheel-Rite is $42, and holdig cost is $0.40 per wheel bearing per year. Wheel-Rite can produce 510 wheel bearings per day. Cal-Tex is a just-in-time manufacturer and requires that 49 bearings be shipped to it each business day.

a) What is the optimum production quantity? _______units (round your response to the nearest whole number)

b) What is the maximum number of wheel bearings that will be in inventory at Wheel-Rite?_______ units (round your response to the nearest whole number)

c)How many production runs of wheel bearings will Wheel-Rite have in a year?_______runs (round your response to two decimal places)

d)What is the toal setup plus holding cost for Wheel-Rite? $________ (round your response to two decimal places)

In: Other

  Henrique Correa's bakery prepares all its cakes between 4 A.M. and 6 they will...


Henrique Correa's bakery prepares all its cakes between 4 A.M. and 6 they will be fresh when customers arrive. Day-old cakes are virtually always sold, but at a 50% discount off the regular $10 price. The cost of baking a cake is $7, and demand is estimated to be normally distributed, with a mean of 25 and a standard deviation of 8. What is the optimal stocking level? Refer to the standard normal table for z-values.
The optimal stocking level for the bakery is _______  cakes (round your response to the nearest whole number).

In: Other

Howard Electronics, a small manufacturer of electronic research equipment, has approximately 7000 items in inventory and has hired Eng.

Howard Electronics, a small manufacturer of electronic research equipment, has approximately 7000 items in inventory and has hired Eng. Mostafa to manage its inventory. Mostafa has determined that 10% of the items in inventory are A items, 35% are B items, and 55% are C items. He would like to set up a system in which all A items are counted monthly (every 20 working days), and all B items are counted quarterly (every 60 working days), and all C items are counted semiannually (every 120 working days). How many items need to be counted each day?

Let, each A item needs 10 minutes to be counted, each B item needs 5 minutes, and each B item needs 2 minutes. If the company works one shift 8 hours per day, how many labors needed to count per day?

In: Other

A, B are two partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:1

A, B are two partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:1. They admit K as a partner and he pays Rs. 30,000 as capital. The new ratio is to be 3:1:1. The goodwill of the firm is to be based on 3 years’ purchase of the average 4 years’ profits which are Rs. 15,000, 12,000, 18,000, 19,000.


Show the journal entries, if:

    (A) K pays for the goodwill in cash.

    (B) He is unable to bring the cash for the goodwill.

In: Other

University of Florida football programs are printed 1 week prior to each home game. Attendance averages...

University of Florida football programs are printed 1 week prior to each home game. Attendance averages 60,000 screaming and loyal Gators fans, of whom two-thirds usually buy the program, following a normal distribution, for $4 each. Unsold programs are sent to a recycling center that pays only 10 cents per program. The standard deviation is 5,000 programs, and the cost to print each program is $2. Refer to the standard normal table for z values.

(a) What is the cost of underestimating demand for each program?
(b) What is the overage cost per program?
(c) How many programs should be ordered per game?
(d) What is the stockout risk for this order size?

In: Other

In a barber, the rate for the number of customers is 3 per hour. On average, the barber can serve customers at a rate of one every 15 minutes.

  In a barber, the rate for the number of customers is 3 per hour. On average, the barber can serve customers at a rate of one every 15 minutes.

A)  Find an average number of the customers in the barber (system) and queue?

B)   Find average waiting time in the barber and queue?

C)   What is the probability that the barber be empty?

D)   What is the probability that exactly 2 customers present in the system?

C)  with which probability that the number of customers in the system can be between 7 and 10?

In: Other

Consider the assembly line of a laptop computer. The line consists of 10 stations and operates...

Consider the assembly line of a laptop computer. The line consists of 10 stations and operates at a cycle time of 2 minutes/unit. Their most error-prone operation is step 2. There is no inventory between the stations because this is a machine-paced line. Final inspection happens at station 10. What would be the information turnaround time for a defect made at station 2?

In: Other

According to Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory, _____ is the level of the followers' skills and...

According to Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory, _____ is the level of the followers' skills and technical knowledge relative to the task being performed.



job maturity

psychological maturity



Despite the obvious need to understand cultural differences when working internationally, most people around the world embrace the following "core values" with the exception of _______  compassion



business sense

respect for others


Juanita was offered a promotion in exchange for a date with her supervisor. She was upset as she had no interest in dating him, yet she agreed because she really wanted the promotion. This is an example of sexual harassment.

social loafing


quid pro quo

"let me help you"


In: Other

Go to the Profit & Loss worksheet. Elena has entered most of the income and expense...

  1. Go to the Profit & Loss worksheet. Elena has entered most of the income and expense data on the worksheet. She estimates revenue will be $825,000 in Year 1 and $1,400,000 in Year 5 of the shuttle service. She needs to calculate revenue for Years 2–4. Revenue should increase at a constant amount from year to year. Project the revenue for Years 2–4 (cells C7:E7) using a Linear Trend interpolation.
  2. Elena also needs to calculate expenses for payroll and rent for Years 2–5. She knows the starting amount for each expense, and estimates the rent in Year 5 will be $64,000. She expects the payroll expenses to increase by at least 6 percent per year and the rent to increase by a constant rate. Project the expenses for Payroll in Years 2–5 (cells C13:F13) using a Growth Trend extrapolation. Use 1.06 (a 6 percent increase) as the step value. Project the expenses for Rent in Years 2–4 (cells C14:E14) using a Growth Trend interpolation.

А CANYON TRANSPORT Profit & Loss Statement 25% 7.25% 33% Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 $ $ Year! 825,000 206,250 59,813 558,938 Year 5

In: Other

Ahmad and Bilal carry on business in partnership, sharing profits and losses in the proportion of 2/3 and 1/3 respectively

Ahmad and Bilal carry on business in partnership, sharing profits and losses in the proportion of 2/3 and 1/3 respectively. The Balance Sheet at 31st December, 2006 was as follows:

Ahmad's Capital15,000Plant and Machinery4,000
Bilal's Capital10,000Stock22,000
Bank Overdraft15,000Cash1,000


They agreed to admit Saeed into partnership and give him 1/4 share in the profits on the following terms:
(1) Saeed should bring Rs.3,000 for Goodwill and Rs.20,000 as Capital.
(2) The plant and machinery to be reduced by 10 percent, and a provision to be created for bad debts to the extent of Rs.440. The stock to be taken at a valuation of Rs.25,000.
(3) The Capital Accounts of Ahmad & Bilal be adjusted on the basis of their profit sharing ratio.
No account of Goodwill is to be opened in the books of the firm.


Make Journal Entries to record the above transactions. Also prepare the Partners’ Capital Accounts and Opening Balance Sheet of the new Firm.

In: Other

Barbara Flynn is in charge of maintaining hospital supplies at General Hospital. During the past year,...

Barbara Flynn is in charge of maintaining hospital supplies at General Hospital. During the past year, the mean lead time demand for bandage BX-5 was 65. Furthermore, the standard deviation for BX-5 was 7. Ms. Flynn would like to maintain a 95% service level. z=1.65

a) What safety stock level do you recommend for BX-5?

Safety Stock=___ units

b) What is the appropiate reorder point?

Reorder point = ___units

In: Other