The table below provides the time stamps for the 8 people who called a reservation desk...

The table below provides the time stamps for the 8 people who called a reservation desk for a ferry service between 8:00 am and 8:20 am. Based on the data in the table, what is the flow rate of callers?

Caller Time in Time out
1 8:01 8:05
2 8:02 8:07
3 8:06 8:08
4 8:09 8:12
5 8:10 8:15
6 8:12 8:20
7 8:16 8:19
8 8:17 8:19

In: Other

A customer service manager at a retail clothing store has collected numerous customer complaints from the...

A customer service manager at a retail clothing store has collected numerous customer complaints from the forms they fill out on merchandise returns. To analyze trends or patterns in these returns, she has organized these complaints into a small number of sources or factors. en mensen e n de les emociona com a refer torse
This is most closely related to the tool of TQM.
A. scatter diagram
B. histogram
C. process control chart
D. quality loss function
E. cause-and-effect diagram

In: Other

Which of the following statements regarding "Six Sigma" is TRUE?   A. The Six Sigma program...

Which of the following statements regarding "Six Sigma" is TRUE?

  A. The Six Sigma program was developed by Toyota in the 1970s.
  B. Six Sigma means that about 94 percent of a firm's output is free of defects.
  C. The Six Sigma program is for manufacturing firms and is not applicable to services.
  D. Six Sigma certification is granted by the International Standards Organization (ISO).
  E. The term has two distinct meanings - one is statistical; the other is a comprehensive quality system.

In: Other

    A community health system’s nurse team consists of 12 nurses working in the local...

A community health system’s nurse team consists of 12 nurses working in the local community. It takes a nurse 1.25 hours to complete one patient visit (including travel times and breaks).
  Round "Utilization" to a whole percent, and "Cycle Time" to 1 decimal.
a. What is the capacity of the nurse team over the course of a 9 hour work day?   per 9 hour work day
b. Assuming the demand for the nurses is 60 patients per day, what is the utilization of the nurse team?   percent
c. Assuming the demand for the nurses is 60 patients per day, what is the cycle time? . minutes per patient

In: Other

A firm practices the pure chase strategy. Production last quarter was 1000. Demand over the next...

A firm practices the pure chase strategy. Production last quarter was 1000. Demand over the next four quarters is estimated to be 900, 700, 1000, and 1000. Hiring cost is $20 per unit, and firing cost is $5 per unit. Over the next year, the sum of hiring and layoff costs will be

In: Other

LaVilla is a village in the Italian Alps. Given its enormous popularity among Swiss, German, Austrian,...

LaVilla is a village in the Italian Alps. Given its enormous popularity among Swiss, German, Austrian, and Italian skiers, all of its beds are always booked in the winter season and there are, on average, 1,200 skiers in the village. On average, skiers stay in LaVilla for 10 days.

A. How many new skiers are arriving – on average – in LaVilla every day?

B. A study done by the largest hotel in the village has shown that skiers spend on average $50 per person on the first day and $30 per person on each additional day in local restaurants. The study also forecasts that – due to increased hotel prices – the average length of stay for the 2014/2015 season will be reduced to five days. What will be the percentage change in revenues of local restaurants compared to last year (when skiers still stayed for 10 days)? Assume that hotels continue to be fully booked!

In: Other

F.J. Brewerton Retailers, Inc., must decide whether to build a small or a large facility at...

F.J. Brewerton Retailers, Inc., must decide whether to build a small or a large facility at a new location in Omaha. Demand at the location will either be low or high, with probabilities 0.4 and 0.6, respectively. If Brewerton builds a small facility and demand proves to be high, he then has the option of expanding the facility. If a small facility is built and demand proves to be high, and then the reatiler expands the facitliy, the payoff is $270,000. If a small facility is built and demand proves to be high, but Brewerton then decides not to expand the facility, the payoff is $223,000.

If a small facility is built and demand proves to be low, then there is not option to expand and the payoff is $200,000. If a large facility is built and demand proves to be low, Brewerton then has the option of stimulating demand through local advertising. If he does not exercise this option, then the payoff is $40,000. If he does exercise the advertising option, then the response to advertising will either be modest or sizable, with probabilities of 0.3 and 0.7 respectively. If the response is modest, the payoff is $20,000. If it is sizable, the payoff is $220,000. Finally, if a large facility is built and demand proves to be high, then no advertising is needed and the payoff is $800,000.

a.) What should Brewerton do to maximize his expected payoff?

b.) What is the value of this expected payoff?

In: Other

The Big Old Company is a global retailer with its headquarters in Chicago and subsidiaries in 50 different countries. Recently

The Big Old Company is a global retailer with its headquarters in Chicago and subsidiaries in 50 different countries. Recently, top management officials at the Big Old Company reached the decision that the firm would benefit from the implementation of a performance management system. To implement the new system, a new strategic HR team has been assembled. Because each of the team members has some prior experience working in a performance management culture, the team knew better than to begin the performance management process before executing a well-designed communication plan.

However, none of the team members have experience in designing or implementing a new performance management system from scratch. Moreover, the team members are also simultaneously involved in other team projects. Not surprisingly, they are quite short on time and thus feel the need to design and carry out the communication plan as soon as possible. As a result, the team has come up with the following communication plan that has been sent to the CEO of the company for final approval before its execution.

“Our communication of the new performance management system will take the format of a lecture/presentation that will be part of the upcoming in-house general management training session for the company’s executives. During the presentation, we will first define the concept of a performance management system. We will then delve deeper into the details of the system by explaining the steps and number of meetings involved. Finally, we will conclude our presentation with a Q & A session.”

1.) After reading the above description of the communication plan, the CEO explained that he did not think that the communication plan would be very effective in promoting user acceptance and satisfaction. Subsequently, the CEO offered two recommendations to improve the communication plan. First, he suggested that the strategic HR team expand and redesign the presentation. Second, he emphasized that there was no evidence of how the HR team would execute the communication plan before and after the planned presentation. Given these two statements, how can the HR team improve the communication plan?

In: Other

An advantage of the fixed-period inventory system is that:A. safety stock will be lower than...

An advantage of the fixed-period inventory system is that:

A. safety stock will be lower than it would be under a fixed-quantity inventory system.

B. there is no physical count of inventory items when an item is withdrawn.

C. no inventory records are required.

D. the average inventory level is reduced. E. orders usually are for smaller order quantities.

In: Other

Refrigerant 134a in a cylinder-piston assembly is at 240 kPa with a quality 15% and then...

Refrigerant 134a in a cylinder-piston assembly is at 240 kPa with a quality 15% and then as a result of heat added the quality increases to 45%, what is the change in volume per one unit of mass (m3/kg)? The piston is assumed to move freely but it is sealed tight that does not allow mass exchange.

In: Other

Intro to Java. Creating random SSN

  1. Create a Java program which includes the following:

 Uses a random value as well as manipulates string and character objects in order to make an SS# (xxx-xx-xxxx).

  1. First 3 Numbers: Create a three digit random integer named FirstThree in the range of 100- 999. (10 Points)

  2. Second 2 Numbers: Create a two digit number named SecondTwo by using FirstThree as follows: (10 Points)

     If FirstThree is 550 or less then create a 2 digit string using the name StringFirstThree from the first 2 digits of FirstThree otherwise create a 2 digit string named StringFirstThree using the last 2 digits of FirstThree.

  3. Last 4 Numbers: Use the user’s name to generate a four place number string as follows: (10 Points)

    •   Ask the user to enter their first name. Change their input to uppercase and find the length named FirstNameLength. If the length is less than 10 then add a 0 in front of the number and call it FirstLastTwo.

    •   Ask the user for their last name. Change their input to uppercase and find the length named LastNameLength. If the length is less than 10, then add a 0 after the number and call it SecondLastTwo.

    •   Combine FirstLastTwo and SecondLastTwo into a string named LastFour.

  4. SSN: Create a string named YourSSN that combines StringFirstThree, SecondTwo and

    LastFour with dashes where the output is like this 123-45-9884. (10 Points)

  5. Output: Tell the user their new SS number. (10 Points)

In: Other

Process Capability (See Page 317 - 319 of Goetsch and Davis Chap. 18)

  1. i) Process Capability (See Page 317 - 319 of Goetsch and Davis Chap. 18)
    Formulas: (Do not use a d2 factor from fig. 18.22 ).
    Instead, use the formula Cp = (USL – LSL)/6 σ        Note that σ is the standard deviation. USL and LSL are the customer’s specification limits.
    Cpk is calculated in 2 ways:
    Cpk = (USL – Xdouble bar)/ 3 σ   Note that X double bar is the process mean
    Cpk = (X double bar – LSL)/ 3 σ

    Customers of Don Corleone Pizza have specified that family-sized pizza crusts they order should be 28 to 32 centimeters in diameter. Sample data recently collected indicate that the crusts average 30 centimeters in diameter, with an estimated standard deviation sigma (σ) of 0.5 centimeters.

(i)    Calculate the Cp index to determine if Don Corleone’s pizza crust production system is capable of meeting its customers’ requirements. Briefly explain your findings  

(ii)    Suppose that a new operator produces pizza crusts with a process average of 30.6 centimeters instead of 30 centimeters. Calculate the Cpk twice. How capable is the system capable of meeting its customers’ requirements? If not, what options does Don Corleone have to rectify the situation?

317 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Optimizing and Controlling Processes through Statistical Process Control Sep 10: Eliminate the Special C

318 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Optimizing and Controlling Processes through Statistical Process Control Process capability may be cakul

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Optimizing and Controlling Processes through Statistical Process Control 319 Process Average Process Average

In: Other

A cyber security engineer is installing a WAF to protect the company's website from malicious web...

A cyber security engineer is installing a WAF to protect the company's website from malicious web requests over SSL. Which of the following is needed to meet the objective?

A. A reverse proxy

B. A decryption certificate

C. A split-tunnel VPN

D. Load-balanced servers



A cyber security consultant was asked to revise the security baselines that are utilized by a large organization. Although the company provides different platforms for its staff, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices, the applications do not vary by platform. Which of the following should the consultant recommend? (Select Two).

A. Apply patch management on a daily basis.

B. Allow full functionality for all applications that are accessed remotely

C. Apply default configurations of all operating systems

D. Apply application whitelisting.

E. Disable default accounts and/or passwords



In: Other

Need a program in java that creates a random addition math quiz The program should ask...

Need a program in java that creates a random addition math quiz

The program should ask the user to enter the following

The smallest and largest positive numbers to be used when generating the questions -

The total number of questions to be generated per quiz -

The total number of the quiz's to create

from then the program should generate a random math (Just addition) quiz from what the user entered

In: Other

Plot the shear flow distribution around the section, with values in terms of S and a

Fig. 8 shows the regular hexagonal cross-section of a thin-walled beam of sides ‘a’ and constant wall thickness t. The beam is subjected to a transverse shear force S, its line of action being along a side of the hexagon, as shown. Find the rate of twist of the beam in terms oft, a, S and the shear modulus G. Plot the shear flow distribution around the section, with values in terms of S and a


In: Other