24. Figure 4-38 shows an EER diagram for a university dining service organization that provides dining services to a major university. a. Transform the EER diagram to a set of relations and develop a relational schema. b. Diagram the functional depende

24. Figure 4-38 shows an EER diagram for a university dining service organization that provides dining services to a major university.

    a. Transform the EER diagram to a set of relations and develop a     relational schema.

    b. Diagram the functional dependencies and determine the normal form     for each relation.

    c. Convert all relations to third normal form, if necessary, and draw a     revised relational schema.


In: Other

1- Which of the following scheduling algorithms could result in starvation? Why? If any, show how...

1- Which of the following scheduling algorithms could result in starvation? Why? If any, show how can starvation problem be resolved.

a. First-come, first-served (FCFS)
b. Shortest job first (SJF)
c. Round robin (RR)
d. Priority?

2- Illustrate Peterson solution to critical section problem, showing how it satisfy the conditions of mutual exclusion, progress, and bounded waiting!

3- What is the meaning of the term busy waiting? What other kinds of waiting are there in an operating system? Can busy waiting be avoided altogether? Explain your answer.

4- Explain why interrupts are not appropriate for implementing synchronization primitives in multiprocessor systems.

5- Which of the following components of program state are shared across threads in a multithreaded process?
a. Register values
b. Heap memory
c. Global variables
d. Stack memory

6- Using pseudo C like code, illustrate two algorithms uses hardware synchronization.

7- Semaphores are used to overcome a drawback of hardware synchronization, what is this drawback, and how semaphores addresses this drawback?

In: Other

Given the following conditional value table:

Given the following conditional value table:

AlternativesVery Favorable MarketAverage MarketUnfavorable Market
Build new plant$250,000$180,000-$200,000
Do Nothing$0$0$0

a) Using the decision making under uncertainty with the criterion of Maximax

The appropriate decision will be Subcontract

The value of the return under this decision is $ 270.000.


b) Using the decision making under uncertainty with the criterion of Maximin

The appropriate decision will be Do Nothing

The value of the return under this decision is $ 0.


c) Using the decision making under uncertainty with the criterion of Equity Likely.

The appropriate decision will be Subcontract

The value of the return under this decision is s (enter your answer as a whole number).

In: Other

Coffee Palace's manager, Joe Felan, suspects that and for mocha latte coffees depends on the...

Coffee Palace's manager, Joe Felan, suspects that and for mocha latte coffees depends on the price being charged. Based on historical observations, Joe has gathered the following data, which show the numbers of these coffees sold over six different price values: 

PriceNumber Sold

Using these data, how many mocha latte coffees would be forecast to be sold according to simple linear regression if the price per cup were $2.80?

In: Other

The J-shaped member shown in the figure is supported by a cable DE and a single journal bearing with a square shaft a...

uploaded image

The J-shaped member shown in the figure is supported by a cable DE and a single journal bearing with a square shaft at A. Determine the reaction forces Ay and Az at support A required to keep the system in equilibrium. The cylinder has a weight WB = 5.80 lb, and F = 1.30 lb is a vertical force applied to the member at C. The dimensions of the member are w = 1.50 ft, l = 6.00 ft, and h = 2.00 ft.

A_y, A_z  = ???? lb

In: Other

A mail-order house uses 15,750 boxes a year

A mail-order house uses 15,750 boxes a year. Carrying costs are 60 cents per box a year and ordering costs are $96. The following price schedule applies.

Number of BoxesPrice per Box
1,000 to 1,999$1.25
2.000 to 4,9991.20
5,000 to 9,9991.15
10.000 or more1.10

a. Determine the optimal order quantity (Round your answer to the nearest whole number) 

Optimal order quantity  = _______  boxes 

b. Determine the number of orders per year. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) 

Number of order _______  per year

A jewelry firm buys semiprecious stones to make bracelets and rings. The supplier quotes a price of $8.80 per stone for quantities of 600 stones or more, $9.50 per stone for orders of 400 to 599 stones, and $10 per stone for lesser quantities. The jewelry firm operates 184 days per year. Usage rate is 25 stones per day, and ordering costs are $48. 

a. If carrying costs are $2 per year for each stone, find the order quantity that will minimize total annual cost. (Round your intermediate calculations and final answer to the nearest whole number.) 

b. If annual carrying costs are 27 percent of unit cost, what is the optimal order size? Round your intermediate calculations and final answer to the nearest whole number.) 

c. If lead time is 7 working days, at what point should the company reorder? 

In: Other

According to Case 2-1, the primary barrier to low cost airlines providing long haul flights is

Question 9

AirAsia’s corporate slogan is?

A) Is a reflection of the company’s strategy.

B) Provides reinforcement to AirAsia’s employees of the company’s mission

C) Communicates the basis of competitive advantage to customers

D) B and C

E) All of the above


Question 11

According to Case 2-1, the primary barrier to low cost airlines providing long haul flights is

A) Restricted access to the inputs needed for such flights

B) Variable costs associated with longer flights

C) Misaligned reputation and service

D) That providing long haul flights would be associated with differentiation, not cost leadership



Pics are of Case see questions below:

PART CASES Case 2-1: Airasia X: Can the Low Cost Model go Long Haul? Ivey Publishing athan Don and Professor Thomas Lawton wrPC 2-2 Business-Level Strategies To prove the point, Air Asia routinely offered one-way fares as low as US$3.00. In 2008 and

PC 2-4 Business-Level Strategies when other regional competitors such as Hong Kong-based Oasis and Zoom Airlines ceased opera

Case 2-1: Airasia X: Can the Low Cost Model go Long Haul? PC 2-5 and sleep, so it was an easy decision. In fact, these seats

PC 2-6 Business-Level Strategies day for the same aircraft than its competitors would fly, X was able to decrease the overall

Case 2-1: Airasia X: Can the Low Cost Model go Long Haul? PC 2-7 accumulated at other airlines, most members of the cabin cre

PC 2-8 Business-Level Strategies airline tickets, AirAsia sold concert tickets, travel insurance, hotel rooms, vacation packa

Case 2-1: Airasia X: Can the Low Cost Model go Long Haul? PC 2-11 and movies were marketed aggressively. Cabin crews were tra

PC 2-12 Business-Level Strategies Building the Global Brand In a far-sighted move to improve brand recognition, X chose high

Case 2-1: Airasia X: Can the Low Cost Model go Long Haul? PC 2-13 but there is a lot of that in all we do. We recently made t


Case 2-1: Airasia X: Can the Low Cost Model go Long Haul? PC 2-15 system helped to stock up on merchandise at the airport mor



In: Other

Effects of a government budget deficit

3. Effects of a government budget deficit

Consider a hypothetical open economy. The following table presents data on the relationship between various real interest rates and national saving, domestic investment, and net capital outflow in this economy, where the currency is the U.S. dollar. Assume that the economy is currently experiencing a balanced government budget.

Screen Shot 2020-10-09 at 3.24.05 PM.png

Given the information in the preceding table, use the blue points (circle symbol) to plot the demand for loanable funds. Next, use the orange points (square symbol) to plot the supply of loanable funds. Finally, use the black point (cross symbol) to indicate the equilibrium in this market.

Market for Loanable FundsDemandSupplyEquilibrium0204060801001086420REAL INTEREST RATEQUANTITY OF LOANABLE FUNDS

On the following graph, plot the relationship between the real interest rate and net capital outflow by using the green points (triangle symbol) to plot the points from the initial data table. Then use the black point (X symbol) to indicate the level of net capital outflow at the equilibrium real interest rate you derived in the previous graph.

Net Capital OutflowNCOEqm. NCO-20-15-10-5051015201086420REAL INTEREST RATENET CAPITAL OUTFLOW (Billions of dollars)

Because of the relationship between net capital outflow and net exports, the level of net capital outflow at the equilibrium real interest rate implies that the economy is experiencing    .

Now, suppose the government is experiencing a budget deficit. This means that    , which leads to    loanable funds.

After the budget deficit occurs, suppose the new equilibrium real interest rate is 7%. The following graph shows the demand curve in the foreign-currency exchange market.

Use the green line (triangle symbol) to show the supply curve in this market before the budget deficit. Then use the purple line (diamond symbol) to show the supply curve after the budget deficit.

Market for Foreign-Currency ExchangeInitial SupplySupply with Deficit-20-15-10-5051015201086420REAL EXCHANGE RATEQUANTITY OF DOLLARS (Billions)DemandY-Intercept: 3

Summarize the effects of a budget deficit by filling in the following table.

Real Interest RateReal Exchange RateTrade BalanceEffects of a Budget Deficit            

Real Interest Rate
Real Exchange Rate
Trade Balance 
Effects of a Budget Deficit            

In: Other

ECON 1150

Consider a hypothetical economy in which households spend $0.75 of each additional dollar they earn and save the remaining $0.25. The following graph shows the economy's initial aggregate-demand curve (AD1).

Suppose the government increases its purchases by $3.75 billion.

Use the green line (triangle symbol) on the following graph to show the aggregate-demand curve (AD2) after the multiplier effect takes place.

Hint: Be sure the new aggregate-demand curve (AD2) is parallel to AD1. You can see the slope of AD1 by selecting it on the following graph.

AD2AD3100105110115120125130135140116114112110108106104102100PRICE LEVELOUTPUT (Billions of dollars)AD1

The following graph shows the money market in equilibrium at an interest rate of 7.5% and a quantity of money equal to $60 billion.

Show the impact of the increase in government purchases on the interest rate by shifting one or both of the curves on the following graph.

Money DemandMoney Supply02040608010012015.012.510. RATEMONEY (Billions of dollars)Money Demand   Money Supply   

Suppose that for each one-percentage-point increase in the interest rate, the level of investment spending declines by $0.5 billion. The change in the interest rate (according to the change you made to the money market in the previous scenario) therefore causes the level of investment spending to   (fall/rise) by    .(2.5 billions/ 1.25 bil/ 0.62 bil)

After the multiplier effect is accounted for, the change in investment spending will cause the quantity of output demanded to   (decrease/increase) by   (5 bil/1.2 bil/2bil)at each price level. The impact of an increase in government purchases on the interest rate and the level of investment spending is known as the   ( multiplier/liquidty preference/ automatic stabilizer/ crowding out) effect.

Use the purple line (diamond symbol) on the graph at the beginning of this problem to show the aggregate-demand curve (AD3) after accounting for the impact of the increase in government purchases on the interest rate and the level of investment spending.

Hint: Be sure your final aggregate-demand curve (AD3) is parallel to AD1 and AD2. You can see the slopes of AD1 and AD2 by selecting them on the graph.

In: Other

Gauss's Law multiple choice

A spherical Gaussian surface encloses zero net charge. According to Gauss's Law:
a) there is no net electric field anywhere on the surface

b) there is no net electric field inside the surface

c) there is no net electric flux through the surface

d) the surface is enclosed by a conductor

e) the surface is an equipotential

In: Other

Professor Very Busy needs to allocate time next week to include time for office hours. He...

Professor Very Busy needs to allocate time next week to include time for office hours. He needs to forecast the number of students who will seek appointments. He has gathered the following data:

Week #Students
6 Weeks ago 83
5 Weeks ago 110
4 Weeks ago 95
3 Weeks ago 80
2 Weeks ago 65
Last Week 50

What is this week's forecast using exponential smoothing with alpha = .2, if the forecast for two weeks ago was 90?

In: Other

"Simon Says" is a memory game where "Simon" outputs a sequence of 10 characters (R, G,...

"Simon Says" is a memory game where "Simon" outputs a sequence of 10 characters (R, G, B, Y) and the user must repeat the sequence. Create a for loop that compares the two strings starting from index 0. For each match, add one point to userScore. Upon a mismatch, exit the loop using a break statement. Assume simonPattern and userPattern are always the same length. Ex: The following patterns yield a userScore of 4:

simonPattern: RRGBRYYBGY
userPattern:  RRGBBRYBGY

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void) {
char simonPattern[50];
char userPattern[50];
int userScore;
int i;

userScore = 0;
strcpy(simonPattern, "RRGBRYYBGY");
strcpy(userPattern, "RRGBBRYBGY");

/* Your solution goes here */

printf("userScore: %d\n", userScore);

return 0;

In: Other

An automated car wash serves customers with the following serial process:

An automated car wash serves customers with the following serial process: pre-treat, wash, rinse, wax, hand dry. Each of these steps is performed by a dedicated machine except for the hand dry step, which is performed manually on each car by one of 4 workers. The steps of the process have the following processing times 

  • Pre-treat: 5 minute per car 

  • Wash: 3 minutes per car 

  • Rinse: 1 minutes per car 

  • Wax: 4 minutes per car 

  • Hand dry: 12 minutes per car 

a. If the car wash has a demand of 15 cars per hour, what is the flow rate of the process? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places)

b. If the car wash has a demand of 15 cars per hour, what is the utilization of the machine that performs the Wax process? (Round to nearest integer)

In: Other

An automated car wash serves customers with the following serial process: pre-treat, wash, rinse, wax, hand...

An automated car wash serves customers with the following serial process: pre-treat, wash, rinse, wax, hand dry. Each of these steps is performed by a dedicated machine except for the hand-dry step, which is performed manually on each car by one of three workers. The steps of the process have the following processing times:

• Pre-treat: 1 minute per car

• Wash: 5 minutes per car

• Rinse: 2 minutes per car

• Wax: 3 minutes per car

• Hand dry: 8 minutes per car

a. If the car wash has a demand of 15 cars per hour, what is the flow rate of the process?

b. If the car wash has a demand of 15 cars per hour, what is the utilization of the machine that performs the wax process?

In: Other

Determine the force in each member of the truss supporting a floor deck

Determine the force in each member of the truss supporting a floor deck as shown in Fig. P4.28. The deck is simply supported on floor beams which, in turn, are connected to the joints of the truss. Thus, the uniformly distributed loading on the deck is transmitted by the floor beams as concentrated loads to the top joints of the truss.


In: Other