________ is a two-way communication process with the goal of securing, building, and maintaining long-term relationships...

________ is a two-way communication process with the goal of securing, building, and maintaining long-term relationships with profitable customers.

Select one:

a. Advertising

b. Sales promotion

c. Personal selling

d. Direct marketing

e. Publicity

Marketing managers employ ________ advertising to build sales of a specific brand.

Select one:

a. comparative

b. institutional

c. pioneering

d. covert

e. competitive

________ is a distinct advantage that personal selling offers over other marketing communications methods.

Select one:

a. Strategic flexibility

b. Personal relationship with a customer

c. Geographic flexibility

d. Personal knowledge management

e. Low transactional costs

One of five principal goals for a sales presentation is to ________.

Select one:

a. build impersonal relationships with customers

b. build product interest

c. agree on a price

d. fulfill the customer's need for affiliation

e. enable evaluation of product alternatives

Using independent sales agents is referred to as ________.

Select one:

a. outsourcing the sales force

b. inbounding the sales force

c. out bounding the sales force

d. transferring sales agents

e. using the company sales force

In: Other

A machine is available 10 hours a day. Each part takes 90 minutes to fabricate and...

A machine is available 10 hours a day. Each part takes 90 minutes to fabricate and 10 minutes to setup 10% o the parts made are defect e and must go through the machine again to be reworked, during which both setup and fabrication have to be performed again. The machine is idle for any unused time Or average, 5 good parts are made each day. What is the overall equipment effectiveness of the machine? 
  • 0.17
  • 0.75
  • 0.075
  • 0.83

In: Other

1) Which of the following forces is providing vast amounts of data for AI applications?                ...

1) Which of the following forces is providing vast amounts of data for AI applications?

                a. reading abilities

                b. cloud computing

                c. deep learning

                d. network-connected smart devices

2) Jason is looking at his budgets and decides he needs to lower labor costs. Which task is most likely to become automated with AI?

                a. New employee trainer

                b. assembly line worker

c. middle manager

d. computer programmer

3) All of these are examples of AI in a self-driving car EXCEPT ________.

                a. GPS

                b. tunnel vision

                c. LIDAR

4) Which of the following is true of Software as a Service?

                a. It requires the installation of specialized interfaces at the client end

                b. It allows clients to access services on an as-needed basis

                c. It involves fixed monthly and yearly costs for the services

                d. It requires an organization to maintain and develop the software

In: Other

Consider a capacity constrained process producing a high profit margin product. What will the impacts on...

Consider a capacity constrained process producing a high profit margin product. What will the impacts on revenue and profits be if processing time for the bottleneck resource is reduced by 10% while everything else remains the same?

A)No impact on revenue or profits

B)Higher revenue and profits

C)Lower revenue and profits

D)Higher profits with no change in revenue

In: Other

Bell Computers purchases integrated chips at $350 per chip. The holding cost is $33 per unit...

Bell Computers purchases integrated chips at $350 per chip. The holding cost is $33 per unit per year, the ordering cost is $122 per order, and sales are steady, at 395 per month. The company's supplier, Rich Blue Chip Manufacturing Inc., decides to offer price concessions in order to attract larger orders. The price structure is shown below.

Quantity Purchased
1-99 units= $350 price/unit
100-199 units= $325 price/unit
200 or more units= $300 price/unit

a) What is the optimal order quantity and the minimum cost for Bell Computers to order, purchase, and hold these integrated chips?

b) Bell Computers wishes to use a 10% holding cost rather than the fixed $35 holding cost in part a. What is the optimal order quantity and what is the optimal cost?

In: Other

Tell E.5 Beth Zion Hospital has received initial certification from the state of California to become...


E.5 Beth Zion Hospital has received initial certification
from the state of California to become a center for liver transplants.
The hospital, however, must complete its first 18 transplants
under great scrutiny and at no cost to the patients. The
very first transplant, just completed, required 30 hours. On the
basis of research at the hospital, Beth Zion estimates that it will
have an 80% learning curve. Estimate the time it will take to complete:
a) the 5th liver transplant.      
b) all of the first 5 transplants.      
c) the 18th transplant.      
d) all 18 transplants. PX      
E.6 Refer to Problem E.5. Beth Zion Hospital has just been informed that only the first 10 transplants must be performed at the hospital

In: Other

  Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards Managers use a number of techniques to motivate employees. One of...

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards
Managers use a number of techniques to motivate employees. One of these includes using rewards, which can be either extrinsic or intrinsic. This activity is important because managers can use both types of rewards to motivate employees and should understand the types of rewards that are most motivating to each of their employees
The goal of this exercise is to challenge your understanding of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards
Determine whether the items listed below are an extrinsic reward or an intrinsic reward
1. You received a $100 gift card to your favorite restaurant after being named employee of the quarter. (Click to select)
2. Winning employee of the month made you feel that you were special and that your work was valued. (Click to select)
3. When you got to work yesterday there was a note on your desk thanking you for your dedication. This made you feel satisfied with your work [Click to select)
4. You use the free employee financial advisor regularly, and each time you do, you feel good about choosing to work there. Click to select)
5. You get to use the best parking spot as a reward for being this month's star employee (Click to select)
6. Your new promotion includes a fancy title, which makes you feel like you are valued in your job. (Click to select)
7. Your favorite perk at your company is the complimentary membership to your local health club-it would otherwise be really expensive to join (Click to select)
8. You moved to a bigger, much nicer office when you got promoted. (Click to select)

In: Other

16) When solving decision trees, what phrase represents the act of dropping an alternative from consideration...

16) When solving decision trees, what phrase represents the act of dropping an alternative from consideration because it is less favorable than another available option?
A) cut the leaf B) open the hatch C) shake the tree D) punt the ball E) prune the branch
17) Decision trees:
A) give more accurate solutions than decision tables.
B) give less accurate solutions than decision tables.
C) are especially powerful when a sequence of decisions must be made.
D) are rarely used because one needs specialized software to graph them.
E) are too complex to be used by decision makers
18) A decision tree is an):
A) algebraic representation of alternatives and states of nature.
B) behavioral representation of alternatives and states of nature.
C) matrix representation of alternatives and states of nature.
D) graphical representation of alternatives and states of nature.
E) tabular representation of alternatives and states of nature.
19) All EXCEPT which of the following steps are taken to analyze problems with decision trees?
A) Define the problem.
B) Structure or draw the decision tree.
C) Assign probabilities to the alternatives.
D) Estimate payoffs for each possible alternative/state of nature combination.
E) Solve the problem by computing expected monetary values for each state-of-nature node.

In: Other

1) "Quality lies in the eyes of the beholder" is: A) an unrealistic definition of quality...

1) "Quality lies in the eyes of the beholder" is:
A) an unrealistic definition of quality B) a user-based definition of quality. C) a manufacturing-based definition of quality. D) a product-based definition of quality. E) the definition of quality proposed by the American Society for Quality.
2) Which of the four major categories of quality costs is particularly hard to quantify?
A) prevention costs B) appraisal costs C) internal failure costs D) external failure costs E) None is hard to quantify
3) "Quality Is Free," meaning that the costs of poor quality have been understated, is the work of:
A) W. Edwards Deming. B) Joseph M. Juran. C) Philip B. Crosby. D) Crosby, Stills, and Nash. E) Armand Feigenbaum.
4) Three broad categories of definitions of quality are:
A) product quality, service quality, and organizational quality. B) user based, manufacturing based, and product based. C) internal, external, and prevention. D) low-cost, response, and differentiation. E) Pareto, Shewhart, and Deming.
5) A production manager at a pottery factory has noticed that about 70 percent of defects result from impurities in raw materials, 15 percent result from human error, 10 percent from machine malfunctions, and 5 percent from a variety of other causes. This manager is most likely using:
A) a Pareto chart. B) a scatter diagram. C) a quality loss function. D) a cause-and-effect diagram. E) a flowchart.
6) Poka-yoke is the Japanese term for
A) card. B) foolproof. C) continuous improvement. D) fishbone diagram. E) just-in-time production.

In: Other

A bakery buys sugar from a big distributor to use in baking cakes. Typically, they use...

  1. A bakery buys sugar from a big distributor to use in baking cakes. Typically, they use 24 pounds of sugar in a day. But depending on the day, they may use a little bit less or more. It is estimated that the standard deviation of demand for sugar is 4 lbs per day. It takes 9 days from the time the bakery orders sugar until the distributor delivers the sugar. The manager wants to have a service level of 0.92. Determine each of the following, assuming that demand is distributed normally.
  1. Z value for the intended service level?
  2. The safety stock that will provide the intended service level?
  3. The ROP that will provide the intended service level?

In: Other

Action Motor Sports Company uses a machine that can produce 100 razor scooters per hour. The...

Action Motor Sports Company uses a machine that can produce 100 razor scooters per hour. The firm operates 12 hours per day, five days per week. Due to regularly scheduled preventive maintenance, the machines will have to be down 5% of the available time. Based on experience with other products produced during preventive maintenance, the firm expects to achieve an efficiency level for the wheels of 95%. Last week's production was 5,640 scooters, some 60 units below effective capacity
a. What is the expected weekly output of wheels for this company?
b. Which of the following is NOT true? 
c. If the company received an order for 9,000 razor scooters per week and switched to a 24 hour operation, is it likely they would be able to fulfill demand? 

In: Other

​A ribbed cylinder of outside diameter 0.6m is at a surface temperature of 260℃ in large surroundings at 20℃

A ribbed cylinder of outside diameter 0.6m is at a surface temperature of 260℃ in large surroundings at 20℃. Calculate the heat transfer coefficient for radiation, and the total heat loss rate due to radiation and convection. The cylinder is 0.9m long and is made of cast iron of emissivity 0.8. The surface area of the ribbed cylinder is 5 m2. and the heat transfer coefficient for convection may be taken as 8.8 W/m2K. Neglect end effects.

In: Other

Which statement is true regarding the energies of the bonds that break and form during a...

Which statement is true regarding the energies of the bonds that break and form during a highly endothermic reaction?

The energy needed to break the required bonds is less than the energy released when the new bonds form.
The energy needed to break the required bonds is about the same as the energy released when the new bonds form.
The energy released when the required bonds break is less than the energy absorbed when the new bonds form.
The energy released when the required bonds break is greater than the energy absorbed when the new bonds form.
The energy needed to break the required bonds is greater than the energy released when the new bonds form.

In: Other

Paula, Trevor, and Anastasia were three qualified engineers working in a team at a construction form....

Paula, Trevor, and Anastasia were three qualified engineers working in a team at a construction form. Though Paul had the most experience, he did not always lead the group. Some projects required specialized knowledge that the other two engineers (Trevor and Anastasia) possessed, so the leadership role was passed around the three team members as appropriate. This style of leadership is known as leadership. unique random servant lateral shared
According to Herzberg, the key to true job satisfaction and motivation to perform lies in that focus on the nature of the work itself, actual job responsibilities, opportunity for personal growth and recognition, and the feelings of achievement the job provides power and influence hygiene factors motivators manager factors social factors
Which of the following statements regarding Maslow's needs hierarchy is true? It is a complex and very accurate theory of motivation It suggests that people have exactly three basic sets of needs It states that once a need is satisfied, it still acts as a powerful motivator It states that people are motivated to satisfy the higher needs before they try to satisfy the lower needs It sensitizes managers to the process for and importance of employee growth and productivity

In: Other

Using the naïve method (most recent value) as the forecast for the next week, compute the following measures of forecast accuracy.

Consider the following time series data:

Week             1                   2                 3                4                 5                     6


Value            18                 13            16               11              17                   14

Using the naïve method (most recent value) as the forecast for the next week, compute the following measures of forecast accuracy.

A. mean absolute error

B. mean squared error

C. mean absolute percentage error

d. What is the forecast for Week 7?

In: Other