In: Nursing
Quiz 11 1 A chronic disease may be which of the following: a. Infectious, communicable b. Noninfectious, noncommunicable C. Neither (a) or (b) d. Both (a) and (b) 2 Chronic diseases are mainly caused by what general factors? 3. Why are primary prevention measures more complex for chronic diseases such as heart disease or cancer than infectious acute conditions like cholera or Lyme disease? 4. Select a chronic disease example and apply it to the six concepts presented for the health belief model. 5. Describe how osteoporosis is influenced by multiple risk factors 6. Name the three common pathways in which people are exposed to radiation 7. What are the general causes of cancer? What are the relative contributions of these causes in the United States? 8. List and describe the four processes of toxicokinetics. 9. Describe some of the health effects associated with lead exposure. 10. Fill in the right side of the table. Virus/Bacteria Human papillomavirus (HPV) Helicobacter pylori bacterium Kaposi's sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus Hepatitis B and C viruses Epstein-Barr virus Human T-cell lymphotropic virus Type of Cancer.
Question No. 1 A chronic disease may be which of the following: a. Infectious, communicable b. Noninfectious, noncommunicable C. Neither (a) or (b) d. Both (a) and (b)
Both a and b
Chronic diseases are the are disease which persists for a long time, generally these diseases build complications which are the main cause of mortality. Like diabetes is a chronic diseases which decrease immune response and affects many organs and their functions.
Infectious: Some chronic diseases are infectious and caused by microorganisms like HIV,Tuberculosis Liver Cancer, Hepatitis etc.
Communicable: Some Chronic diseases are communicable also like Tuberculosis is a Chronic and Communicable disease also.
Non-infectious: Some chronic diseases are not infectious and results because of hereditary or lifestyle reasons. Like diabetes, some cancers which can be occur because of external environmental factors.
Non-communicable: There are many chronic diseases which have non-communicable base. Like heart disease, High BP, low BP, Diabetes etc.
Question No.2 Chronic diseases are mainly caused by what general factors?
Chronic Diseases are the major causes of disability and death in all countries. Chronic disease affects human for a long time, arise complications,weaken the immune system in our body.
General factors for Chronic diseases are:
Nutrition factors or unhealthy diet:
We need micronutrients for proper functioning of our body. Some nutrients our body require a less amount and so.e in large amount. But these are essential elements which cannot be skipped. If we didn't get proper amonut micronutrients in our diet then it affects our internal body functions. Our eating habits also affects our body functioning. For example if we eat so much oily, junk foods can rise the chances for heart disease and obesity. More sugar consumption can cause diabetes. Then bad habits and unhealthy diet can cause chronic diseases.
Physical Inactivity: If you are physically active then there are less chances for chronic diseases to attack on your body. Because physical activeness and exercise increase our immune responses, prevent from obesity, increase metabolism to absorb the micronutrients and fats.
Tobacco and Alcohol consumption: Substances like tobacco (Smoking and Nonsmoking), alcohol also stimulates Chronic diseases when used for long terms and high quantities. Tobacco can causes cancer, heart diseases, lung diseases, diabetes,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases risk for tuberculosis, eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including arthritis.
Environmental and other factors: There are environmental factors also which can cause chronic diseases. Like exposure to environment pollutants like herbisides can increase risk of diabetes,cancer etc. Exposure to air pollutants can cause asthma, lung diseases etc. Other factors for chronic disease include infectious agents that can cause cervical and liver cancers, and some Psychosocial and genetic factors also play a role.
Question No3. Why are primary prevention measures more complex for chronic diseases such as heart disease or cancer than infectious acute conditions like cholera or Lyme disease?
There are interactions between the causes of Chronic diseases because
A) The cause can be nutritional, genetic or environmental like cancer is a chronic disease which can be genetic problem, and can be through environmental pollutants like lung cancer because of air pollutants or smoking can be cause,working in specific chemical industry can be a cause. So there are interaction between the causes of chronic diseases make the reason of occurrence more complicated.
B) Unknown pathogenic pathways among the chronic disease make primary prevention measures more complex. In other infectious acute conditions like in Cholera we can identity the primary microorganisms pathogens pathway and his habitat which can be prevented. But in case of Chronic Diseases where the mode of transmission of pathogen are unknown make the primary prevention measure more complex.
C) The interactions among the starting symptoms also make them complex because in infectious disease like Cholera,patients show symptoms in short time so this short time symptoms tends towards early awareness about disease prevention. But this is not so much possible in case of Chronic diseases.
Question No 4. Select a chronic disease example and apply it to the six concepts presented for the health belief model.
Tuberculosis(TB) and Health Belief Model:
Tuberculosis is a communicable chronic disease. Tuberculosis is
increasingly considered a global threat due to its communicability
and severity. Several factors are responsible for high incidence
rate of Tuberculosis in many countries such as cultural beliefs
about the knowledge of tuberculosis, failure to adhere to
treatment, prolong treatment time, healthcare
facilities,gender, low level communication between patients and
health care workers, substance abuse, homelessness,lack of family
or social support, migrant status, illiteracy, unemployment and
Health belief model is a psychological behaviour theory derived from the humans common desire to avoid illness and if already I'll then conversely get well soon also to adopt specific preventive measure and curative measure.
There are six concepts of Health Belief Model:
1. Susceptibility:
People feelings about the Tuberculosis mainly are that higher and low chances to occurrence. This makes sense of comparison like if I have some other disease like that of HIV then there are more chances of getting Tuberculosis. Avoid living style that could bring the virus in my body. Homelessness increase the chances of death among the Tuberculosis Patients. So we feel and belief about prevention and treatment about the disease also we check our vulnerability about Tuberculosis.
2. Severity:
Tuberculosis is a deadly chronic disease. We have personal perception and belief that if we got the virus then there may be very serious condition. So there may be internal fear about severity of Tuberculosis is also present. Because of communicable nature of Tuberculosis,if I contract with virus it will disturb my peace of mind and will seriously disturb my family relations.
3. Perceived benefits:
If I got the Tuberculosis then are there health services and medication available. We will check after the resources to recommended action against the disease. We may have belief also that particular treatment is effective in Tuberculosis or particular is ineffective.
4. Barriers:
There are some barrier like reachable Medical facilities, privacy, prolong time of treatment which affect the feeling and beliefs about the Tuberculosis disease. For example someone thought that when I go hospital for Tuberculosis treatment,then if anyone recognise me and my disease then this will affect my social relations with peoples. People will hate me. So these psychological thinking are the barrier along with the distance of medical facilities, work schedules also barriers in Tuberculosis disease.
5. Signs and cues to action:
A stimulus is needed to act upon something. When there are some internal cues like chest pain, cough then we go for treatment. These cues may be external also like someone in family tell about the treatment options.
6. Self-efficacy:
Self efficacy refers to a person's confidence level in his or her ability to perform a behavior. So.e.people have very good confidence that particular treatment is best and I will take the medication of Tuberculosis and will be fine after Two to three months. So this also affects the behaviour of self and others also to adopt particular behavior to act upon.