In: Computer Science
You need to complete n courses in order to complete your degree. Some of these courses have prerequisites, for example: “course 1 has to be completed before course 3”. Your goal is to find an order to take all n courses and complete your degree.
Observe the following input file. The first line in the file has 2
numbers n and p where n is number of courses and p is the number of
5 3
1 2
3 1
4 5
The first line indicates that there are 5 courses numbered 1 to 5
and 3 prerequisites “1 should be taken before 2”, “3 should be
taken before 1” and “4 should be taken before 5”
The output should an ordered list of the sequence of courses or
“Not possible”. You can print any valid sequence. For the above
example the output can be 3, 4 1, 2,5 or 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 etc…
Using topological sort (DFS or source removal) create a python algorithm.
#function which creates a topological order of the given nodes
of a graph, if possible
def topo(node,graph,l):
#visit current node
#if node as some neighbor
if node in graph.keys():
#iterate through all neighbors
for neighbor in graph[node]:
#if unvisited
if vis[neighbor]==0:
#call topo() recursively for this node
#after exploring all the subtree of node add it to list
#driver code
#input n and p
#dictionary t store graph
#take input all edges
for i in range(p):
#u->v is a directed edge
#if u exists in dict then add v to keys of it
if u in graph.keys():
#otherwise create a new list with v as it's only element
#list to store the topological order of nodes
#create a visited list to check if a node is visited or not,
initially all unvisited
#for every unvisited node call topo()
for i in range(1,n+1):
if vis[i]==0:
#reverse order list to get the actual topological sort
#now to check of the cycle exists in the graph or not, if cycle
exist then topological sort not possible
#create a dict to store the order of nodes in topological order we
got i.e, order
#store each node with their indices in order list
for ind,ele in enumerate(order):
#initially set cycle to false
#for each node from 1 to n
for i in range(1,n+1):
#if node has neighbors
if i in graph.keys():
#for each neighbor
for nodes in graph[i]:
#if index of neighbor(or child) is less than that of parent then
cycle exists
if store[nodes]<store[i]:
#matk cycle as true and break
#if cycle true the break from loop
if cycle==True:
#if cycle exists in graph then topological order not possible
if cycle==True:
print("Not possible")
#otherwise print the order
5 3 1 2 3 1 4 5 4 5 3 1 2
4 6 1 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 3 4 4 4 Not possible
So if you still have any doubt regarding this solution please feel free to ask it in the comment section below and if it is helpful then please upvote this solution, THANK YOU.