
In: Psychology

Write a short paragraph on the following topic: Using social media such as Facebook consumes lot...

Write a short paragraph on the following topic:

Using social media such as Facebook consumes lot of valuable time that results in decreased productivity both personally and professionally


Expert Solution

The increase in social media usage.

In this age, there are two parallel worlds to be observed. These two worlds can be broadly categorised as the real world and the virtual world. The virtual world is specifically social media. One of the leading names in the world of social media is Facebook, where people exist in forms that may differ completely from their actual form. Truly, Facebook has become a place where people not only like to share updates about their daily important life events, but spend hours on the site looking about people, about what they share or trying to even investigate people. The fact where people would share about their life events was fine, where they would involve people in their happy moments or any major sad event was okay, but Facebook has come to an extent where people start sharing their daily activities to the limit of what colour clothes they have decided to wear to what food they are going to have. This not only makes people invest a lot of time in posting these updates, but some overly inquisitive people like to know about people virtually and spend hours going through their entire activity or profile, with the claim that they are trying to know someone.

The interface of Facebook is such that, it gets people addicted, with an actual Facebook addiction disorder in its name. People have become so addicted to Facebook, that even when they would try to, they wouldn’t be able to steer away from it. This affects them mentally, as people succumb to the easy interface and the tendency of human mind to be curious and know about people, resulting in an actual zero productivity zone. If it is done in smaller durations, this wouldn’t affect the productivity, growing in the free time. But, the problem lies in the fact that this zero productivity zone is way beyond the “leisure browsing” zone, and eats up a huge time that people could actually use for some productive work. In the world outside job, at home, people devote this family time to the superficially made world. People have talking and pretending well on Facebook rather than a behaviour that has to be done in the real world.

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