
In: Accounting

Instructions: Select an organization and identify the various forms of employee rewards that they offer Review...


  • Select an organization and identify the various forms of employee rewards that they offer
  • Review the structure and purpose of the rewards – if possible arrange an interview with someone in a managerial position at the company who is responsible for the design and administration of the rewards or who understands the intended purpose of the rewards
  • Prepare and submit a document summarizing your organizational behaviour analysis and a specific analysis of your findings related to the questions below.


  1. Describe the organization’s rewards plans in detail. Include a specific outline of what is communicated to employees.

  1. Describe the purpose of each of the organization’s rewards plans. Include an outline of the specific behaviour or outcome the plan is designed to achieve.
  1. Using applicable OB theory, identify the type of rewards offered and outline the effectiveness of the rewards plans in achieving the intended outcome(s). Make sure to explain your reasoning and analysis.
  1. Provide recommendations on how you would improve the rewards plans or add new rewards. Explain the reasoning for your recommendations.

  1. After reviewing the Wilson Bros Case Scenario what recommendations would you have for them with respect to their rewards plans?


Expert Solution

My selected organization is Pricewaterhouse Coopers(pwc).

A large part of income from a business is being spend for the purpose of reward. The market of labour are nowadays quite dynamic as well as complex in nature.

Pwc is such an organization, for which the rewarding system plays an important role. It depends on many things like,pensions, strategic performance management, business strategies, leadership goals, as well as total quality management.

PwC accumulates market intelligency, and various analytics for helping their clients. This includes:

1. Senior executive reward

2. Compliance of tax and regulatories.

3. Strategy consisting rewards as well as analytics.

4. Benchmarking strategy with development of benefits and rewards.

5. Performance management techniques.

6. Various incentive techniques.

7. Health benefits and wellbeing benefits.

They work for making their strategic programmes more efficient and effective.

1. Compensation designs:

They assist in building compensation ranges that are competitive in nature, structured logically, to maintain desirable equity. They aim to design such compensation structures with a balanced fixed payment amount and payment at risk, by using their tax experts for building employee friendly relationship and efficient taxation structure.

2. Long term and short term incentive designs:

They aim to design performance basis payment plans that are being linked with strategy of corporation along with individual and organisational goals, and long term plans are created in such a way so as to achieve wealth creation and performance oriented.

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