In: Nursing
Why are more children who have chronic conditions participating in early childhood settings? There are more children with chronic conditions. Laws provide for the inclusion of children with special health care needs in early childhood settings. There are more early childhood settings equipped to deal with chronic conditions. It is common practice so more parents feel comfortable with leaving their chronically ill child in an early childhood setting.
Chronic health conditions as ahealth problem that lasts over 3 months affect children's normal activities and they may require a lots oof hospitalization, and extended support.About 15% to 18% children in the United States live with a chronic health condition.A well designed, safe and nurturing environment are inevitable first step of early childhood settings.
According to the division for early childhood recomended practice(DEC-RP): Environmental practices refer to aspects of the space, materials, equipment, routines and activities that practitioners and families can intentionaly alter to support each child's learning.
Such environments help to prevent challenging behaviours and support infants and young children with identified diaabilities.The parents are well aware about the benefits of early childhood settings and they want their children to have early intervention and education to have a positive impact on child's cognitive and social development despite disabilities.