A key role of government is to protect the well-being of its people – especially during...

A key role of government is to protect the well-being of its people – especially during emergencies such as the recent outbreak of the coronavirus. Discuss the macroeconomic impacts of the coronavirus, showing how policymakers may respond to such an exogenous shock

In: Economics

Our world has changed in many areas of the economy since the end of February. It...

Our world has changed in many areas of the economy since the end of February. It has been many, many years since the United States has seen the shortages and surpluses that we have experienced recently. For your discussion forum this week, pick one of those areas where there has been a shortage, or a surplus. Explain how the changes in equilibrium were affected by demand and/or supply shifts. What happened to prices of that product? Has it changed anything about the way consumers shop or manufacturers produce that product?

In: Economics

(a) Graphically using the IS-LM diagram and then intuitively, explain why did European countries refrain from...

(a) Graphically using the IS-LM diagram and then intuitively, explain why did European countries refrain from using fiscal stimulus to combat the global economic crisis in 2008-10?

In: Economics

Suppose your grade in one of your classes is hovering between an A and B. How...

Suppose your grade in one of your classes is hovering between an A and B. How would you apply the seven steps in the personal selling process to convince your professor that you deserve an A?  

In: Economics

QUESTION 4: FISCAL POLICY “On 30 March, the Government announced the $130 billion JobKeeper Payment to...


“On 30 March, the Government announced the $130 billion JobKeeper Payment to help keep Australians in jobs as we deal with the significant economic impact from the Coronavirus. This brings the Government’s total support for the economy to $320 billion ... representing 16.4 per cent of annual GDP.” (The Treasury, 2020).

Explain why this is an appropriate fiscal policy response from the Australian government in the current economic climate.

300-400 words please

In: Economics

QUESTION 5: INTERNATIONAL TRADE “Although misguided, fears of an open economy are understandable in the current...


“Although misguided, fears of an open economy are understandable in the current environment. Open economies have lifted billions of people out of poverty and have immeasurably increased the living standards of Australians. But they also mean that global shocks and even problems in one country can quickly become a problem in ours. This is the downside of openness, and we are currently living it. But while some wariness is understandable, this should not blind us to the long-run benefits of openness, particularly when it will be so vital to our recovery.” (Trigg, April 9 2020)

Discuss the economic basis of international trade and why international trade is considered an important driver to economic recovery for Australia post CoVID-19.

300-400 words please

In: Economics

QUESTION 2: UNEMPLOYMENT AND INFLATION Even when the economy has a strong economic growth rate there...


Even when the economy has a strong economic growth rate there will always be some unemployment in the economy.

(i) Identify the types of unemployment that are being referred to above.
(ii) Discuss an appropriate government policy response to decrease the unemployment types identified in (i).

300-400 words please

In: Economics

QUESTION 3: MONETARY POLICY “There is considerable uncertainty about the near-term outlook for the Australian economy....


“There is considerable uncertainty about the near-term outlook for the Australian economy. Much will depend on the success of the efforts to contain the virus and how long the social distancing measures need to remain in place. A very large economic contraction is, however, expected to be recorded in the June quarter and the unemployment rate is expected to increase to its highest level for many years.” (Lowe, 2020)

Given the RBAs view of the economy, explain what actions they could take. In your answer focus on the interest rate, consumption and investment.

300-400 words please

In: Economics

Explain how has technology changed the learning system? It has to be an argumentative essay. Need...

Explain how has technology changed the learning system? It has to be an argumentative essay. Need argumentative details for 3 body paragraph's and

Also need a introduction

Introduction to how technology got introduced to schools and students.



Thesis: The importance of technology in the classroom can increase educational productivity by accelerating the rate of learning, reducing costs associated with instructional materials or program delivery and, and better-utilizing teacher time.

In: Economics

Advanced Macroeconomics Suppose that output is at the full-employment level and that nominal wages are slow...

Advanced Macroeconomics

Suppose that output is at the full-employment level and that nominal wages are slow to adjust. Considering the short-run and long-run effects of the coronavirus on output and the price level, discuss what the government can do to return output to its natural level using the AD-AS framework?

In: Economics

Using wage- and price-setting relations, explain how the natural rate of unemployment is determined and how...

Using wage- and price-setting relations, explain how the natural rate of unemployment is
determined and how it is different from the cyclical unemployment?

In: Economics

Compare labor laws and relations around the world. Compare Brazil to labor laws and relations in...

Compare labor laws and relations around the world. Compare Brazil to labor laws and relations in the United States.

In: Economics

3rd year Macroeconomics Question (a) Suppose that output is at the full-employment level and that nominal...

3rd year Macroeconomics Question

(a) Suppose that output is at the full-employment level and that nominal wages are slow to adjust. Using the AD-AS framework to explain the short-run and long-run effects of the coronavirus on output and the price level. (Hint: How does the coronavirus affect the short-run and long-run aggregate supply curves and the aggregate demand curve?)

In: Economics

An important difference between fixed and floating exchange rates is the impact on monetary policy. This...

  1. An important difference between fixed and floating exchange rates is the impact on monetary policy. This difference is framed by some economists as being a benefit of floating exchange rates, but other economists frame the same thing as a benefit of fixed exchange rates. Explain each side of the argument, and then give your own opinion.

In: Economics

Using both the arguments from the previous lecture about floating exchange rates and the theory of...

  1. Using both the arguments from the previous lecture about floating exchange rates and the theory of optimal currency unions, make the arguments both for and against the idea of having a single Australia & New Zealand currency.

In: Economics