The demand for TVs in a certain country is given by D = 25000 – 70P;...

  1. The demand for TVs in a certain country is given by D = 25000 – 70P; where P is the price of a TV. Supply by domestic TV producers is S = 15000 + 50P.
  1. Assuming that the economy is closed, find the equilibrium price and production quantity of TVs.
  2. The economy opens to trade. The world price of a TV is $80. Find the domestic quantities demanded and supplied and the quantity of imports or exports. Who will support the opening of the TV market to trade and who will oppose it?
  3. The government imposes a tariff of $20 per TV. Find the effects on domestic quantities demanded and supplied and on the quantity of imports or exports. Also find the tariff revenue collected by government. Who will support the imposition of tariff and who will oppose it?  
  4. Suppose the government imposes an import quota of 1200 TVs. Find the equilibrium price in the domestic TV market, as well as the quantities produced by domestic firms and purchased by domestic consumers.

In: Economics

Discuss the role of business strategies while getting the right people in contemporary organisations

Discuss the role of business strategies while getting the right people in contemporary organisations

In: Economics

Consider the role of signaling and investment in training/education in job markets. Research has shown that...

Consider the role of signaling and investment in training/education in job markets. Research has shown that employers often “over-ask” on required qualifications for a position, and further find that men are more likely to apply to a job even when they do not meet minimum qualifications than women. Discuss how persistent labor market discrimination may be the result of both “signaling” and “bluffing”.

In: Economics

What is community justice? Are there characteristics of a practice that must be present for a...

What is community justice? Are there characteristics of a practice that must be present for a strategy to be deemed community justice?

In: Economics

1. Who are winners of a move to free trades? A) Consumers of exported goods B)...

1. Who are winners of a move to free trades? A) Consumers of exported goods B) Producers of exported goods C) Producers of imported goods D) None of the above answers

2. The short-run shutdown condition occurs for a firm in the short-run when A) Price per unit good is equal to average variable cost per unit good B) Price per unit good is greater than average variable cost per unit good C) Price per unit good is less than average variable cost per unit good D) Price is greater than total cost.

3. Which of the following problems describes the ‘Decision Pitfalls' of a rational individual in economy? A) Ignoring implicit costs B) Failing to think at the margin C) Measuring costs or benefits proportionally D) All the above answers

4. Which of the following explanations is true? A) Higher inflation reduces the real value of money held by the public, reducing wealth and spending B) Inflation redistributes resources from less affluent people, who spend a high percentage of their disposable income, to more affluent people, who spend a smaller percentage of disposable income C) Higher inflation creates uncertainty in planning for households and firms, reducing their spending. D) All the above answers

In: Economics

1. Compare two terms used in giving rewards to the workforce in retail industry "salary" and...

1. Compare two terms used in giving rewards to the workforce in retail industry "salary" and "commission". which one is commonly used. justify your answer with examples

2. if you were a retail manager, what criteria might you take to evaluate your staff/workers performance. justify your answer with examples from different types of retail business

3. are the steps involved in setting up a retail organization the same for small and large retailers. explain your answer.

In: Economics

1. You are a manager of a telephone service provider in Sydney. You have two plans...

1. You are a manager of a telephone service provider in Sydney. You have two plans for your customers as follows:

Plan 1: Bill = 15 + 0.05 T; and Plan 2: Bill = 25 + 0.03T. Where, ‘Bill’ is your monthly bill in dollars and ‘T’ is your monthly total duration of calls in minutes. (a) Find the break-even level of total duration of monthly telephone calls in minutes.

(b) If your customer’s average monthly duration of call is 400 minutes, advise which plan would be suitable for your customer?

(c) If your customer’s average monthly duration of call is 600 minutes, advise which plan would be suitable for this customer?

(d) If there is a $5 reduction in the monthly fixed fee in Plan 2, then what would be your advice to the customer whose average monthly call is 400 minutes?

In: Economics

The bold part is what I don't understand. A country with a negative current account is...

The bold part is what I don't understand.

A country with a negative current account is because NX < 0

  • loanable fund mrkt; open econ.
  • If country M>X, NX=<0 so
  • S-l=<0 which means there is more investment into the country than domestic savings because NX is matched with a counter-flow that is NFI (Net Foreign Investment). There is going to be NFI in a country that imports more than it exports
  • Ex: US. They import more than they export. Meaning there is a large inflow of NFI into the US.

the other words that are not bolded are just there for some context. it's just I don't understand how if a country imports more than exports, foreign investors prefer to invest into that country (+NFI).


In: Economics

Draw a graph to illustrate the wage and employment level adjusting to the demand shock.

Draw a graph to illustrate the wage and employment level adjusting to the demand shock.

In: Economics

what are the pros and cons of newspaper recruitment, trade journals, and internships?

what are the pros and cons of newspaper recruitment, trade journals, and internships?

In: Economics

Assume that the US and Mexico both have two different industry sectors. The first sector produces...

Assume that the US and Mexico both have two different industry sectors. The first sector produces raw materials and the second sector assembles products based on the raw materials.Both sectors in both countries use only two input factors - unskilled labor and skilled labor.Both factors are mobile. The assembly sector uses unskilled labor intensively. The sector that produces raw materials uses skilled labor intensively. Without trade the US has a larger relative supply of raw materials to assembled products than Mexico. Countries do not differwith respect to demand.Answer all following questions using the Heckscher-Ohlin model.a) Relative prices:
a1) Without trade, is the relative price for raw materials to assembled products, i.e.,Pr/Pa, higher in the US or in Mexico? Briefly explain your answer (1-2 sentences are expected).(2 pts)
a2) Assume both countries open for trade. Compare the world relative price for raw materials to assembled products to the relative prices that result without trade inboth countries. Briefly explain your answer (1-2 sentences are expected).
b) Exports:
b1) Which good is exported by the US? Which good is exported by Mexico? Brieflyexplain your answer (1-2 sentences are expected).(2 pts)
b2) Which input factor is abundant in the US? Which input factor is abundant in Mexico? Refer to one of the theorems that we have discussed in chapter 5 tosupport your answer.(2 pts

In: Economics

1) Discuss the “hegemonic stability” theory and its practices (in case of) within the international relations...

1) Discuss the “hegemonic stability” theory and its practices (in case of) within the international relations system.

2)Discuss the arguments of Robert Cox regarding the international relations system. Do you agree with him? Why/why not?

3) Do we witness a struggle currently for the hegemony within international relations system? Write the facts-samples to prove your argument

In: Economics

The next three questions deal with the following situation: There are two nations, Perelandra and Malacandra....

The next three questions deal with the following situation: There are two
nations, Perelandra and Malacandra. They produce two goods: gold and sulfur. In
a single year, Perelandra can produce 5,000 tons of gold and 2,000 tons of sulfur. In
the same period of time, Malacandra can produce 5,000 tons of gold and 10,000 tons of

7. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Perelandra has comparative advantage in gold, and absolute advantage in gold.
(B) Perelandra has comparative advantage in sulfur, and absolute advantage in sulfur.
(C) Malacandra has absolute advantage in gold, and comparative advantage in gold.
(D) Malacandra has absolute advantage in sulfur, and comparative advantage in sulfur.

8. Assume that both nations are productively efficient, and they each have a constant
Marginal Rate of Transformation. Initially, before trade, Perelandra makes 1,000 tons
of sulfur. How many tons of gold does Perelandra produce?
(A) 2,000.
(B) 2,500.
(C) 500.
(D) 3,000.

9. Assume that each nation specializes solely in the good for which it has comparative
advantage. Which of the following would be a benecial trade?
(A) Perelandra gives Malacandra 500 tons of gold in exchange for 300 tons of sulfur.
(B) Perelandra gives Malacandra 500 tons of gold in exchange for 100 tons of sulfur.
(C) Perelandra gives Malacandra 500 tons of sulfur in exchange for 500 tons of gold.
(D) None of the above.

In: Economics

)Discuss the arguments of Robert Cox regarding the international relations system. Do you agree with him?...

)Discuss the arguments of Robert Cox regarding the international relations system. Do you agree with him? Why/why not

In: Economics

Explain the difference between fixed-production technology and variable technology. Should the government set a goal of...

Explain the difference between fixed-production technology and variable technology. Should the government set a goal of reducing the marginal social cost of pollution to zero in industries with-fixed production technology? Should they do that in industries with variable technology?

In: Economics