Is it important to manage your own intrinsic rewards?

Is it important to manage your own intrinsic rewards?

In: Economics

Do you think managing your own intrinsic rewards (Meaningfulness, and Competence) will result in a path...

Do you think managing your own intrinsic rewards (Meaningfulness, and Competence) will result in a path to Sustainable Engagement and Fulfillment for you as a leader?

In: Economics

Imagine the year is 2018, long before COVID-19 . Your family has started a new venture:...

Imagine the year is 2018, long before COVID-19 . Your family has started a new venture: operating a car wash near a popular lakeside resort, just outside of Prince George. There are many other car wash ventures nearby, and there seem to be new ventures opening and closing all the time. You can see that the customers care only about finding the cheapest price for car washes; they do not care which car wash they use. Your family purchased the equipment and the building for the car wash. You were able to spend $1,000 of your savings to go towards this purchase. To cover the rest of this expense, you took out a small business loan. The cost of the loan comes to $15 per day for the next 3 years. Your venture must hire labor and purchase cleaning solutions, car wax, etc. to operate the car wash. After some research you have figured out that the cost for labor and supplies is as follows: Number of car washes sold per day Total cost for labour and supplies 1 $10.67 2 $12.67 3 $16.00 4 $20.67 5 $26.67 6 $34.00 7 $42.67 8 $52.67 9 $64.00 10 $76.67 11 $90.67 12 $106.00 13 $122.67 14 $140.67 15 $160.00 16 $180.67 17 $202.67 18 $226.00 19 $250.67 20 $276.67 ECON 201 Introduction to Microeconomics 2 • When the lakeside resort is open, you observe that you can charge a price of $15.00 per car wash. • When the resort is closed, the demand for car washes is much lower. You are only able to charge a price $6 per car wash. Right now the resort is open. Currently you are selling 17 car washes per day. Your family wants your advice. Prepare a 1-2 page report to advise your family what to do now AND what to do when the resort is closed. Use the report to help them understand why they should follow your advice. Remember that this report should be written as if it is advice to your family, and it must show your family how you came up with the advice. What do you suggest, and why do you make the suggestions you do?

In: Economics

Platform; SPOTIFY What is the major source of revenues for the platform? For which stakeholder the...

Platform; SPOTIFY

What is the major source of revenues for the platform? For which stakeholder the revenues are generated? 20 points Explain in detail

In: Economics

Graphically show the effect on both the union and non-union labor markets if a union successfully...

Graphically show the effect on both the union and non-union labor markets if a union successfully negotiates a higher wage.

In: Economics

Graphically show the impact on real wage or the real price of capital of each of...

Graphically show the impact on real wage or the real price of capital of each of the following situations in the marginal product model:
a.   Improved healthcare policies boost worker productivity
b.   Factories go unused (just sit empty) during a recession

In: Economics

a) Explain carefully why the demand curve for a public good is correctly found by taking...

a) Explain carefully why the demand curve for a public good is correctly found by taking the vertical summation of the individual consumers’ demand curves, and why the efficient quantity frequently won’t be produced when left up to the free market (with no government intervention). Use one or more appropriate diagrams to illustrate your answer.   

b) Explain why redistributive policies (that involve taxing higher earners and redistributing some of these returns to lower earners) can give rise to an equity/efficiency trade-off.

In: Economics

10. Discuss a short-term plan for a perennially losing team and identify specific steps that could...

10. Discuss a short-term plan for a perennially losing team and identify specific steps that could be taken to increase income or generate victories

In: Economics

True or False? George Soros recently pointed out in the San Francisco Chronicle that although international...

True or False? George Soros recently pointed out in the San Francisco Chronicle that although international trade leads to overall gains for the whole population, there are some individuals who lose from international trade. An excellent illustration of this idea is represented by the Ricardian model. Explain with reasons.

In: Economics

Congratulations on your new job in the Major League Lacrosse (MLL) front office. The league currently...

Congratulations on your new job in the Major League Lacrosse (MLL) front office. The league currently has 8 teams in the US and Canada, located mainly on the East Coast. This budding league is busy trying to find a team west of the Mississippi to help the Denver Outlaws find a rival. They could move a current team west or they could add an additional team. (d.) Some of the teams have talked about disbanding the league and just operating as independent teams. How can you convince them that leagues are important? Give 3 examples of things that individual owners CANNOT do by themselves, but leagues can accomplish? Name 3 things owners COULD do, but they do better as a league?

In: Economics

Congratulations on your new job in the Major League Lacrosse (MLL) front office. The league currently...

Congratulations on your new job in the Major League Lacrosse (MLL) front office. The league currently has 8 teams in the US and Canada, located mainly on the East Coast. This budding league is busy trying to find a team west of the Mississippi to help the Denver Outlaws find a rival. They could move a current team west or they could add an additional team. a) Some owners have recommended eliminating the playoffs and just crowning the regular season leader as the league champion. Why might this be a bad idea? Why would some owners think this is a good idea?

In: Economics

Select any type of businesses (e.g. an automobile assembler, a beverage manufacturer, a supermarket, a quick...

Select any type of businesses (e.g. an automobile assembler, a beverage manufacturer, a supermarket, a quick service restaurant, or an oil refinery, etc.) Cite all possible hidden opportunities regarding purchasing services and discuss in detail how that business firm can benefit from exploring one of those opportunities.

In: Economics

The following is the winning percentage for NFC West and NFC East. The benchmark standard deviation...

The following is the winning percentage for NFC West and NFC East. The benchmark standard deviation for NFL is 0.125.

NFC West

Winning Percentage

NFC East

Winning Percentage

Seattle Seahawks


Dallas Cowboys


AZ Cardinals


New York Giants


LA Rams


Washington Redskins


SF 49ers


Philadelphia Eagles


Using the data above, fill out the following table. Show your work.

NFC West

NFC East

Actual standard deviation σ =

Non-Scully measure

Which conference is more balanced? Why?

Make sure to clearly mark each of your answers or you can try to make a table using the Blackboard Text Editor:


Actual standard deviation σ = /NFC West:

Actual standard deviation σ = /NFC East:

In: Economics

UD creamery is selling 500 cones a day for an average of $5 a cone. The...

UD creamery is selling 500 cones a day for an average of $5 a cone. The elasticity of the demand is -10. How can the creamery make more money? Suggest a new price and calculate the quantity sold for that price, and show that revenues go up. What will happen if elasticity is -1?

In: Economics

Give one example of a perfectly competitive team and one example of a monopoly team. Explain.

Give one example of a perfectly competitive team and one example of a monopoly team. Explain.

In: Economics