. The rate of diffusion is discussed by the sociological and organizational literature, Economics literature, and...

. The rate of diffusion is discussed by the sociological and organizational literature, Economics literature, and Marketing literature. Please explain the focus of each.

In: Economics

Does the lure of profit shift the university's mission away from basic research? Please discuss briefly.

Does the lure of profit shift the university's mission away from basic research? Please discuss briefly.

In: Economics

ECONOMETRICS Describe the diagnostic tools you would use to determine if your ARIMA model is appropriate.

Describe the diagnostic tools you would use to determine if your ARIMA model is appropriate.

In: Economics

Suppose marginal benefit from a hectare of for a public park (assume it is a pure...

Suppose marginal benefit from a hectare of for a public park (assume it is a pure public good) for two groups of consumers (A and B) is given by: MBa = 10 − Q and MBb = (8 – Q)/2 where Q is the number of hectares of the park. To simplify our analysis, assume that there are only 1 consumer of each type. The marginal cost to provide the park is a constant $5.

a) What is the socially efficient number of hectares for the park?

b) Assume that the consumers each makes a voluntary contribution to a fund which will be used to build the park. The size of the park depends on the amount of money collected. How many hectares will be built in the end? Assume both consumers know the marginal cost and marginal benefit function of each type.

In: Economics

The actress Betty White will probably die soon. What effect does this have on the market...

  1. The actress Betty White will probably die soon. What effect does this have on the market for Betty White memorabilia today?

(A) Supply increases.

(B) Supply decreases.

(C) Demand increases.

(D) Demand decreases.

Which of the following is the best example of inductive thinking?

(A) A mathematical proof of the Pythagorean Theorem.

(B) "All dogs are mammals. Tony is a dog. Therefore, Tony is a mammal."

(C) I hate Mondays.

(D) I asked around, and Brock University is where all the beauties are.

59. Consider the following argument:

Big Chungus is a fat rabbit. All fat rabbits can fly and shoot laser beams

from their eyes. Therefore, Big Chungus can fly. How would you categorize this argument?

(A) It is logically valid and logically sound.

(B) It is neither logically valid nor logically sound.

(C) It is logically sound but not logically valid.

(D) It is logically valid but not logically sound.

A perfectly elastic demand curve has a price elasticity of demand of:

(A) ∞

(B) 1

(C) 0

(D) 101.345

In: Economics




Competitive forces

In: Economics

explain how Emirates Airlines have dealt with COVID-19 to maintain their customer relationships?

explain how Emirates Airlines have dealt with COVID-19 to maintain their customer relationships?

In: Economics

Explain the following : Short run tradeoff (negative relationship) between unemployment & inflation. policy is not...

Explain the following :

  1. Short run tradeoff (negative relationship) between unemployment & inflation.
  2. policy is not efficient in the LR.
  3. Money supply curve is vertical.
  4. Expenditure multiplier + Tax multiplier = 1.

In: Economics

One of the largest changes in the economy over the past several decades is that technological...

  1. One of the largest changes in the economy over the past several decades is that technological advances have reduced the cost of making computers.
    1. Draw a supply-and-demand diagram to show what happen to price and quantity in the market for computers.
    2. Forty years ago, students used typewriters to prepare papers for their classes; today they used computers. Does that make computers and typewriters complements or substitutes? Use a supply-and-demand diagram to show what happen to price and quantity in the market for typewriters. Should typewriter producers have been happy or sad about the technological advance in computers? Give a reason for your answer.
    3. Are computers and software complements or substitutes? Draw a supply-and-demand diagram to show what happen to price and quantity in the market for software. Should software producers have been happy or sad with about the technological advance in computers? Why/why not?
    4. Does this analysis help explain why software producer Bill Gates is one of the world’s richest people?

In: Economics

Why has the way people think about Columbus and what he did changed over time?

Why has the way people think about Columbus and what he did changed over time?

In: Economics

Brownfield investments have a proven and impactful role to play for underdeveloped and developing countries, in...

Brownfield investments have a proven and impactful role to play for underdeveloped and developing countries, in which situations a developed country will welcome brownfield investments in spite of having abundant resources depth?

You have to construct your response by using a developed country as a case in focus.

In: Economics

Critically analyze the possible implications of primary cultural attributes of a country for its import business...

Critically analyze the possible implications of primary cultural attributes of a country for its import business practices. Furthermore will there be any difference among such implications for a developed country VS an under developed country?

In: Economics

Article ""The State of the Deskless Workforce” addresses logistics management labor concerns"" Quinyx, a global cloud-based,...

Article ""The State of the Deskless Workforce” addresses logistics management labor concerns""

Quinyx, a global cloud-based, workforce management SAAS provider, recently released a report on “The State of the Deskless Workforce,” which addresses logistics management labor issues.

The report notes that nearly 30% of logistics workers think taking more than one consecutive sick day is a fireable offense. Furthermore, states the report, nearly 20 percent of logistics professionals came into work sick during the COVID-19 outbreak - risking the health of themselves, their colleagues and customers.

Acccording to Quinyx’s CEO, Erik Fjellborg, the survey was designed to ask deskless workers what businesses can do to support them, keep them happy and stay in their jobs longer.

“The findings allowed us to gauge how the workforce is evolving in light of new regulations, technologies and global challenges,” he adds.

In this exclusive interview with LM, Fjellborg expands on his observations:

The fact that a distinct need for flexibility and sick time exists across the deskless workforce was not particularly surprising, especially in the current climate, but certainly valuable in enforcing the notion that these are basic rights all deskless workers want and deserve.

Through our research, we found that workers are stressed about their schedules and experience an overwhelming lack of flexibility, causing 49 percent to miss out on major family and friend milestones.

On top of this, one in four would choose to have a flexible work schedule over making more money, and 31 percent left a job because their employer didn’t provide schedules in advance. Even ahead of this report, we supplied businesses with the needed tech to allow for schedule flexibility - and our research further enforced the need for continued reform when it comes to workplace needs.

In addition to flexibility, we were surprised to find that only 6 percent of logistics workers have paid sick time.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we relied on the logistics industry to keep our society functioning. To find that during this time only 6 percent of workers had access to paid time off while being expected to continually serve and meet increasing demand was maddening, especially knowing this meant workers had to make the decision of coming in sick or not getting paid.

Within the logistics industry and across deskless workplaces, we should be striving to improve the employee experience, and a great place to start is by implementing paid sick leave and prioritizing workers’ physical and mental wellbeing first.

Summarize and describe importance of story. What are the implications for this story on the future? Each current event should be three robust paragraphs

In: Economics

Digital tracking systems are currently legal. Should they remain so? Why or why not? Are digital...

Digital tracking systems are currently legal. Should they remain so? Why or why not? Are digital tracking systems ethical? Why or why not?

In: Economics

1. Why do economists consider perfect competition to be the most efficient market structure? 2. Why...

1. Why do economists consider perfect competition to be the most efficient market structure?

2. Why is diversification recommended for investors?

3. Why is the demand curve for a monopolist downward sloping? How does this affect the monopolist’s behavior?

In: Economics