Explain why the Commerce Commission regulates oligopolists’ behavior. In particular, consider what might happen if there...

Explain why the Commerce Commission regulates oligopolists’ behavior. In particular, consider what might happen if there were no law prohibiting anticompetitive behavior (such as price-fixing, exclusive dealing, etc.) by firms, and how this would affect consumers in oligopolised markets.

Word count - 450 words

In: Economics

Suppose a monopsonist's demand for labor can be written as VMP=40-0.004E. Labor is supplied to the...

Suppose a monopsonist's demand for labor can be written as VMP=40-0.004E. Labor is supplied to the firm according to w=5+0.01E.

a. suppose the monopsony firm can pay different workers with different wages, how much labor will the firm hire and at what wage?

b. how does the answer in question a compare to the equilibrium wage and employment in a perfectly competitive labor market?

c. suppose now that the firm must pay the same wage to all its workers. The firm's marginal cost of hiring workers is given by MC=5+0.02E. How much labor will the firm hire and at what wage?

d. how does the equilibrium outcome in part 3 compare to the perfectly competitive case?

In: Economics

Assume that there are two types of radios on the market: good radios and bad radios....

Assume that there are two types of radios on the market: good radios and bad radios. Of the firms that manufacture radios, 50% produce good radios and 50% produce bad radios. A good radio does not break for five years, while a bad radio has a 50% chance of breaking when it is first used. If the bad radio does not break immediately, it works for five years, just like the good radio. A good radio is worth $100 to consumers, and a bad radio is worth nothing.

a) What is the maximum price any consumer would be willing to pay for a radio if both types of firms produce radios? (1 mark)

b) If it costs $55 to manufacture each radio, will any firms want to produce radios?

c) If it costs $50 to manufacture each radio, which firms will want to produce radios?

d) Suppose that it costs $50 to manufacture each radio and $20 to repair a broken radio. Also suppose that the firms that produce good radios give a warranty in which they promise to repair any radio that breaks within five years of purchase. If the price of radios were to rise above $50, which type of firm would issue a warranty? If the price rose to $60, which type of firm would offer a warranty? Can warranties signal quality? What is the equilibrium price for radios in the market? 

Reference: university exercise

In: Economics

The engineering calculation on the telecommunication project is needed to analyze the feasibility of the project...

The engineering calculation on the telecommunication project is needed to analyze the feasibility of the project and the total value of investments. As the Project Manager, you have to do the financial analysis of your telecommunication project to get the conclusion of whether this feasible to run the project or not. You have to prove your analysis by giving the project calculation in terms of Net Present Value (NPV), Present Worth Analysis, and Break-Even Point (BEP) based on the initial investment, % of interest, and the project period are given.

The Detail Situation:

The company is considering the installation of a high-end server for handling the system with the first initial cost [check point A]. This system will save $7,500,000 per year in spare part cost, but it will incur $2,750,000 in annual operating and maintenance expenditures. The salvage value at the end of the system’s X-year [check point B] life is [check point C].

At the end of the project, the company will invest the new server for the next X upcoming year [check point B] with initial the initial cost of $50,000,000. This new system will save $8,500,000 per year in spare part cost, but it will incur $3,850,000 in annual operating and maintenance expenditures. The salvage value at the end of the system’s X-year [check point B] is negligible.

There is another option to cover the requirement by combining 2 different situations. At the first X years [check point B], the company will rent a high-end server for handling system the rent cost $5,000,000/ year. There is no budget that needs to be allocated for spare part cost, and it will incur $1,500,000 in annual operating and maintenance expenditures. In the second period, the company will invest the new server for the next X upcoming year

[check point B] with initial the initial cost of $50,000,000. This new system will save $8,500,000 per year in spare part cost, but it will incur $3,850,000 in annual operating and maintenance expenditures. The salvage value at the end of the system is negligible.

If the company’s hurdle rate (MARR) is X% per year [check point D], which scenario that should be recommended for implementation?

Group C (att.list no 7- 9):

- The first initial cost [point A] = $35,000,000

- Project duration [point B] = 8 years

- The salvage value at the end of the system’s [point C] = $2.500,000.

-  (MARR) is = 12 % per year.

*please attach .xlx if you can

In: Economics

The minimum wage is under hot debate not only among the media and politicians, but also...

The minimum wage is under hot debate not only among the media and politicians, but also among the economists. Some economists claim that a rise in the minimum wage will not result in job loss. Others argue that increasing the minimum wage will lead to large unemployment.

a,  Explain it with graph why the imposition of the minimum wage would generate unemployment under perfect competition.

b, Some researchers who find no unemployment effect of raising the minimum wages appeal to the monopsony model as a better characterization of the low-skilled labor market. Justify their argument with graph.

In: Economics

. a) Explain three (3) characteristics of a developing economy. (8 marks) b) Discuss three (3)...

. a) Explain three (3) characteristics of a developing economy.

b) Discuss three (3) policies that can be implemented by the government to achieve “developed” status. Consider which policy is likely to be the most effective.

In: Economics

explain the following: * Money supply curve is vertical. * policy is not efficient in the...

explain the following:

* Money supply curve is vertical.

* policy is not efficient in the Long run

In: Economics

Q1. Explain why real estate management institutions are important for various stakeholders.

  1. Q1. Explain why real estate management institutions are important for various stakeholders.

In: Economics

Borrow 150,000, 30 years, at 9% I have these numbers, not sure if correct: Borrow 150,000...

Borrow 150,000, 30 years, at 9%

I have these numbers, not sure if correct:

Borrow 150,000 mnthly interest 0.0075
years 30 months 360
interest 0.09 pmt $1,206.93
future sum 187,691

I'm stuck on Sinking Fund factor. I have tried to do this but he wants it done on excel. Can someone please help put me on the right path.

In: Economics

Explain only 3 of the following: Short run tradeoff (negative relationship) between unemployment & inflation. Expenditure...

Explain only 3 of the following:

  1. Short run tradeoff (negative relationship) between unemployment & inflation.
  1. Expenditure multiplier + Tax multiplier = 1.
  1. Money supply curve is vertical.
  1. policy is not efficient in the LR.

In: Economics

The economy of a country  is suffering from recession, use the suitable economic policy to correct this...

The economy of a country  is suffering from recession, use the suitable economic policy to correct this situation. Explain briefly & Graph your answer using Ad & AS model.

In: Economics

Given the following data for a hypothetical closed economy: Real GDP (GDP = Y) Taxes Yd...

Given the following data for a hypothetical closed economy:

Real GDP

(GDP = Y)































































  1. Fill-in the table.

  1. Determine the Breakeven for the economy.

  1. Determine the equilibrium GDP for the economy.
  1. Calculate the expenditure multiplier.
  1. Now suppose that the potential GDP equals 440, by how much should the government purchases or tax change to reach the potential GDP.
  1. saving equations. (show your work)

In: Economics

Lionel and Cristiano are thinking whether they should meet up to watch the movie “Bend it...

Lionel and Cristiano are thinking whether they should meet up to watch the movie
“Bend it like Beckham” together. If they meet up they will have to pay $5 for the movie plus
they will miss soccer training. Missing soccer training makes Cristiano score 2 less goals
per season while Lionel keeps scoring the same number of goals. What is true?
a. The opportunity cost to watch the movie for Cristiano is $5
b. The opportunity cost to watch the movie for Cristiano is missing 2 goals
c. Lionel has a comparative advantage in scoring goals
d. Lionel has an absolute advantage in scoring goals
e. None of the above

Hi, I wanna know why c is wrong?

Which of the following statements is true?
a. Firms in a monopolistically competitive market will always earn zero economic profits in the short run
b. A firm in a monopolistically competitive market has no market power
c. Firms in a monopolistically competitive market choose a point where MR equals AC to maximise profit
d. A firm in a perfectly competitive market faces a perfectly elastic demand curve
e. All of the above are false

In: Economics

The economy of Palestine is suffering from recession, use the suitable economic policy to correct this...

The economy of Palestine is suffering from recession, use the suitable economic policy to correct this situation.

Explain briefly & Graph your answer using Ad & AS model.

In: Economics

Circle the letter that correspond the best suitable answer: The table below contains data for a...

Circle the letter that correspond the best suitable answer:

The table below contains data for a country, which produces only X and Y.

The base year is 2010.


Price of X

Q of X

Price of Y

Q of Y



















Refer to Table. In 2012,


GDP deflator was 100.00


GDP deflator was 158.33.


GDP deflator was 214.28.


GDP deflator was 285.71.

In: Economics