
In: Economics

The United States has been called a "Melting Pot". Define the Melting Pot. Is the United...

The United States has been called a "Melting Pot". Define the Melting Pot. Is the United States really a "Melting Pot" of Nations? Or is it something else?


Expert Solution

The United States has been called "Melting Pot". Melting Pot means the intergration of vivid cultural identities into one homogeneous culture to become one nation with similar identities as Americans.

America has always been open for immigrants from around the world. These immigrants have their own different cultural identities, traditions and practices. This lead to existence of multiculturalism where people of different culture existed into one nation. But, this created the problem of one nation with multiple identities. In United States, there existed the fear of extinction of the common identity of people living in United States as Americans.

So, to create one common identity for all Americans, the practice of melting pot started. With the passage of time, immigrants from around the world became familiar with the practice followed by the native Americans and since then America became the melting pot.

America is really a melting pot where people of diverse cultre has intergrated to create one common identity, following common practices, rituals with common psychologies as Americans. This can be proved by an example - marriage between Native-Americans and immigrants African-Amercians was a big taboo until 1967. But, now a days it is very common for Native-Americans and immigrants African-Americans to get married.

Thus, United States is really a melting pot where different cultres have blended together to become one nation and called as Americans.

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