In: Biology
ZEBRAS - Investigate the historical development and adaptive significance of each of the following anatomical systems present in modern Zebras:
-Olfactory System (nostrils, turbinal bones, Jacobson's organ, olfactory bulb of brain)
-Tactile System (vibrissae, lips, tongue)
-Auditory system (pinnae, ear tube, ear drum, ear ossicles, inner ear {especially the cochlea})
-Visual system (eyes:pupil, lense, retina, tapetum lucidum, orbit placement, visual field)
-Masticatory system (lips, tongue, jqaws, jaw muscles, dentition)
-Unguligrade locomotor system (pectoral girdle - front limb, pelvic girdle, hind limb, lumbar vertebrae)
Zebra's adaptation :-
1) stripes : strips are most common visible adaptation seen in zebras. Stripes ensure that predators unable to focus on zebra. They act as camouflage due to motion dazzale.
Stripes also break up the outline of a single zebra and the predators can not judge the distance.
Teeth: zebras have strong upper and lower incisor teeth. This adaption helps them to break strong plant branches and they can sheer and chew effectively. Zebra's also use their teeth to make social bonds.
Digestive tract : zebras have cecum where most of their digestion takes place. Cecum is a pic before the beginning of small intestine right after stomach. Here bacteria helps to break zebras food before the body can absorb it. It allows free passage of food through the track.
They can get nutrition even from low quality food where other animals can not get the nutrition.
Lomotory system.: zebras have long and slender legs but very strong legs enabling them to run 40 miles per hour to escape. So their pelvic girdle and pectoral girdle structures are very strong. Also their femur bone is very strong because through kick they can kill big animals.