Ans Eutorphication is water enrichment with nutrient causing the
algae and aquatic plants increased production. It can be easily
managed by taking following points into consideration
- The waste water from industry should not be directly discharged
into water bodies. Industries should install and improvise the
waste water treatment plant. Also, the installation of tertiary
treatment tank should be there for industry having high nutrient
discharge as waste
- In the runoff water there should be installation of filters to
remove high content of nitrogen and phosphorus. These filter called
ecosystem filters and should be periodically changes
- The animal husbandry should adapt alternative practices to
reduce there waste production
- The fertilization should be done with proper planning with
rationalize agriculture practices. Also, the fertilizers used
should have slow environmental release. The fertilizer should be
used judicially and discharge of it into water bodies should be
- The sediments rich water called as hypolimnetic water is riches
in nutrients. The removal and treatment of such water should be
carried out
- Drainage water should be subjected to biological and chemical
treatment to remove any high nutrient, nitrogen and phosphorus
- Along the stream beds plantation or vegetation should be done
to allow water and nutrient absorption