According to the given
- Eutrophication- It is
excessive algal and plant growth occur in the water bodies due to
increase amount of availability of nutrient fertilizers, sunlight,
and carbon dioxide that leads to high amount of photosynthesis and
the main cause for Eutrophication.
- Eutrophication is also due to several human activities such as
point-source discharges as well as loadings of several limiting
nutrients required for growth of crops such as phosphorus, nitrogen
and phosphorus and these are discharged into aquatic ecosystems and
also causes main problem for fishes, drinking water sources.
- excess nutrients such as nutrient
fertilizers like nitrogen and phosphorus, sewage, detergents, as
well as high level of sunlight, and carbon dioxide are involved in
- These nutrients primarily come
- phosphorus from agriculture through erosion of soil as well as
due to fertilizer runoff.
- Nitrogen comes from animal feedlots, sewage treatment plants of
municipal area
- eutrophication leads to formation
of dense mass of foul-smelling phytoplankton which are responsible
for decreasing quality of water , their clarity. large amount of
Algal growth prevent light penetration, and causes decrease in
growth of plants found in littoral zones
- eutrophication rapidly decreases dissolved inorganic carbon and
causes increase in pH which affect several
- When algal blooms occur they start to die and due to which
their decomposition reduces dissolved oxygen level and causing
hypoxic zone or dead zone
- Eutrophication is reduced by
- We have to Change the excess nutrients,
- physical mixing is required for the water,
- Use of strong herbicides and algaecides,
- nutrients are removed from the water bodies
- Decrease in concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus